Jun 16, 2024  
2012-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Core Curriculum Requirements
Please visit www.providence.edu/academic-affairs/core-curriculum/Pages/approved-core-curriculum-courses.aspx for a listing of courses that have been approved for specific Core Curriculum requirements (Class of 2016 and beyond). The list is updated on a regular basis. In addition, students in the Class of 2013, 2014, and 2015 can search the Course Catalog or Semester Course Offerings in CyberFriar to locate courses with a specific Core Curriculum attribute. Need assistance? Please contact Alyssa Marton at aneubeck@providence.edu or 401.865.1765.



  • SOC 304 - Social Movements

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    What was it like to be a part of the 1950s and 1960s U.S. civil rights movement? Examines why people join social movements, how they are organized, why they occur when they do, and why they succeed or fail, and offers a critical evaluation of current theories of social and political movements. Same as BLS 304.

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  • SOC 305 - Race and Ethnic Relations

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An analysis of race and ethnic relations in America with special emphasis on the historical and contemporary experience of Native Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans, African-Americans, and European-Americans. Sociological theory and data are used to examine the structural sources and effects of racism, prejudice, and discrimination. Same as BLS 305.

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  • SOC 307 - Urban Sociology

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Identifies the extent of, and reasons for, such urban problems as poverty, crime, and homelessness in cities such as Providence, New York, Boston, and Chicago. In generating explanations and developing solutions, the course draws on the theories of urban sociologists and on the personal experience of those who confront urban problems. Same as BLS 307.

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  • SOC 308 - Sociology of Language

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Sociolinguistics examines how language allows individuals to project their identity, controls all social interactions, reveals ethnic and other cultural behaviors, and affects the law, medical encounters, and education. Bilingualism, dialects, gender issues, and paralanguage, including body motion also are discussed, as is the accuracy of using language data to uncover social divisions within communities. Same as LIN 308.

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  • SOC 310 - Society, Culture, and the Individual

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Explores the ways in which individuals process and then either adopt or reject competing norms and values. Scholars have used different concepts to explain this basic fact of human behavior: social psychology, symbolic interaction, culture, ideology, hegemony, interpellation, discourse, and habitus. Students will learn the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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  • SOC 313 - The Power of Whiteness

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Historical development of “whitenesses” within the context of colonialism, slavery, imperialism and globalization, and their aftermaths as a way of understanding the cultural environments and processes of ethno-racial and gender-sexual identity formation today. Hegemonic whiteness is deconstructed and challenged. Whiteness is examined as an unnamed, unmarked category, “whites are just normal,” that carries powers and privileges. Same as AMS 313, BLS 313, GST 313, and WMS 313.

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  • SOC 316 - Sociology of Education

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    The main objective is to determine who succeeds and who fails in school and beyond and why. We study the effects of schooling with attention to cognitive and affective outcomes, the problems of providing equal educational opportunity, the determinants of educational attainment, the controversial issue of tracking, and the effects of non-school-related factors upon student achievement.

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  • SOC 318 - Globalization and Social Justice

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    With the fall of socialist states, capitalist markets, economic relations, and consumerism have become global. Examine the political, cultural, and economic origins, consequences, and responses (with specific concern for the prospects for social justice, democracy and equality) in the rich and poor countries of the world; impacts on workers; ecological, resource, and environmental implications; and anti-corporate globalization resistance movements. Same as AMS 318, GST 318, and WMS 318.

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  • SOC 319 - Sociology of Health and Illness

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Explores the social aspects of health and illness, the relationship of illness to the organization of society, and the organization of medical care — the distribution of correlates of mortality and morbidity, attitudes toward illness, the sick role, the organization of therapeutic settings, the economics and politics. Health delivery systems are evaluated cross-culturally and proposals for change in the American health system are critiqued. Same as HPM 319.

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  • SOC 321 - Social Change

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Examines classical and contemporary explanations of the nature (what?), causes (why?), agents (by whom?), processes (how?), and responses to change. Focus is on societal and global levels. Emphasis on American social trends during the 20th century and the 1960s and its legacy. Same as AMS 321. Prerequisite: SOC 101. Not open to freshmen.

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  • SOC 322 - Occupations and Professions

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    A sociological investigation of occupations and professions in contemporary American society. The course is an analysis of the nature of occupations in relation to social structure, occupational differentiation, and socialization and education of occupations and professions. There is also a consideration of current issues in occupational sociology, including professionalization, sex-role differentiation, and the implications of occupation for life changes.

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  • SOC 323 - Contemporary Social Problems

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Covers the major social problems of contemporary American society. Attention is given to the problems of poverty, racism, sexism, war, the environment, overpopulation, drug use, and crime. An analysis is made of the structural causes and consequences of these issues. Same as BLS 323.

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  • SOC 324 - Sociology of Women and Men in Society

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Analyzes the social, cultural, political, and economic roles of women and men cross-culturally and historically in societies such as the United States, Europe, the former Soviet Union, China, Latin America, the Middle East, and certain small subsistence-level societies. Structural and cultural causes, and consequences of different forms of gender stratification are emphasized. Same as WMS 324.

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  • SOC 325 - African-American Women

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Focuses on sociological analyses of the constructions and reconstructions of African-American women, examining the interrelationships of gender, race, caste, class, racism, and sexism in the United States, past and present. Topics include the family, male-female relations, poverty, discrimination, and social movements, with particular emphasis on origins, consequences, social and individual changes and resistance to change, sociological, and feminist theories. Same as AMS 325, BLS 325, and WMS 325.

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  • SOC 328 - Juvenile Delinquency

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Theories, empirical research, and policies pertaining to juvenile offenders and the juvenile justice system. Sociological approaches to delinquency; the extent and nature of the problem; types of offenders; theories, models, and causes of delinquent behavior; delinquency in the social context of the family, schools, youth subculture, and gangs; status offenders; the juvenile justice system (police, courts, and corrections); and prevention and treatment strategies.

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  • SOC 333 - Environmental Sociology

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Explores environmental problems as outcomes of human behaviors influenced by values, attitudes, and beliefs embedded in our social institutions. Examines the roles of individual consumption, cultural norms, science and technology, capitalism, and governments; the complexity of the social factors influencing human uses of the environment; and new ways of seeing the environment and human uses of it.

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  • SOC 336 - Social Statistics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Introductory-level course covering techniques and tests commonly used in social research. Students practice using techniques and tests, thinking critically about strengths and weaknesses of each, and learning criteria for choosing among them. Suited to students headed to graduate or professional school or into applied or marketing research.

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  • SOC 337 - Criminology

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    The study of crime as a social phenomena, including the origin of criminal law, measurement of criminal behavior, and the various categories of crime. The focus of the course is primarily on describing and explaining crime rather than formal responses to it.

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  • SOC 338 - The Criminal Justice System

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An examination of the organizations and procedures through which offenders are identified and processed. Topics covered include such things as the police, prosecution and defense attorneys, courts, corrections, and related topics as time permits.

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  • SOC 340 - Organizations in Society

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An analysis of bureaucratic organizations in modern society, with particular emphasis on a critical examination of the implications these structures have for society and its members. Prerequisite: SOC 101 suggested.

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  • SOC 341 - Sociology of Human Fertility

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An analysis of fertility as the major variable explaining changes in the size and characteristics of populations. Particular attention is devoted to human sexuality and family planning and their impact on fertility.

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  • SOC 342 - Computer Applications in Sociology

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Provides an intermediate coverage of the use of computer software and large data sets. Assumes that students have had an adequate introductory experience in both research methods as well as an introduction to statistics in some discipline.

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  • SOC 345 - The Consumer Society

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Consumption and consumerism are driving forces sustaining the expansionist logic of advanced capitalism and globalization.  Consumption of commodities has become the basis for the formation of ever-changing individual and group identities.  Examines the historical development of consumerism, theoretical approaches to understanding the political, social, economic, individual and very importantly, the environmental consequences of consumerism.   Same as AMS 345, GST 345 and WMS 345.

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  • SOC 347 - Women and Crime

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An in-depth look at a seemingly rare phenomenon—the participation of women in crime. First seen only as victims of crime, increased attention has focused on women as criminal offenders and found that their participation in crime both mimics and differs from that of men. In addition, although the roles and crime offender and crime victim overlap generally, the connection between victimization and offending is particularly strong for women. This course examines women as criminal offenders AND victims, and examines the complex pathways between these roles. Same as WMS 347

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  • SOC 354 - Immigration

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Public discourse questions whether contemporary immigration is beneficial for society and whether today’s immigrants will assimilate similarly to previous immigrants. This course engages these debates by situating present-day US immigrant experiences in historical and comparative perspectives. Topics include: theories of migration, immigrant incorporation, effects of migration on sending and receiving societies, and immigration laws and current policies. Same as GST 354

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  • SOC 403 - History of Social Thought

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Classical sociological theories emerged from the mid-19th to early 20th centuries to explain certain alarming aspects of “modernity,” such as the advent of industrial capitalism and bureaucracy. This course takes the view that such theories are as relevant today as ever, particularly as tools for understanding globalization, which will be the central reference point for the course.

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  • SOC 405 - The Changing Family: Questions and Controversies

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Views the family as a group, social structure, network of roles and statuses, social institution, “lived experience,” and a social/public issue. Examines important questions and controversies about families in historical context, using sociological and other perspectives and statistical trends. Analyzes gender, race, class, age, adoption, and sexual orientation as central to students’ understanding of changing families in contemporary American and other societies. Prerequisite: Either SOC 101 or permission of the instructor.

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  • SOC 411 - The Sociology of Disaster

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Introduces the sociological dimension of disasters and major events, which disrupt the prevailing order of society by causing injury, death, and/or property loss to large numbers of people. Possible case studies include earthquakes, heat waves, hurricanes, oil spills, chemical releases, or terrorist attacks. Examples include the September 11th terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina or the San Francisco earthquake. A service project is normally required. Same as AMS 411.

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  • SOC 417 - Contemporary Sociological Theory

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Whereas classical theory emphasizes the coercive aspects of modernity (e.g., capitalist exploitation), contemporary sociological theory tends to emphasize more subtle forms of power. In this course, we will read the central proponents of this “hearts and minds” orientation. To put into practice what they learn, students will be required to run a hearts and minds campaign of their own.

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  • SOC 450 - Sociology Internship

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Offers students an opportunity to use their academic knowledge and sociological and other social science skills by working in a local agency/organization. Objective: First-hand understanding of social issues and problems. Students must have their site location in place prior to the start of the semester in which they enroll in the internship. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.

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  • SOC 451 - Women and Family Issues Internship

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Offers students interested in Women’s Studies an opportunity to use their academic knowledge and relevant skills by working in a local agency/organization. Students must have an appropriate site location in place prior to the start of the semester in which they enroll in the internship. Same as WMS 451. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.

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  • SOC 470 - Selected Topics in Sociology

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    The intensive development of a specific topic not covered in such depth in existing course offerings. The topic may be drawn from current issues, events, or problems, or from theoretical and empirical debates in the discipline of sociology. Recent examples of course titles include: Juvenile Delinquency, The Consumer Society, The Power of Whiteness, and Homelessness.

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  • SOC 480 - Senior Capstone Seminar

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Explores the potential and limitations of sociological investigation and explanation, how to make a sociological argument in both written and oral form, how to determine if the evidence supports or refutes an argument, and how to utilize sociological data. Integrates sociological knowledge from a number of diverse subdisciplines.

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  • SOC 490 - Independent Study

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    A project in which the student is free to pursue his or her own specialized interest in sociology. Projects could include community involvement, reading in specialized areas of sociology, and field research. Prerequisite: Consent and supervision of a faculty member.

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Studio Thesis

Required of all studio majors. Production of a mature body of work in preparation for the senior thesis exhibition. Prerequisite: Three courses in the selected concentration or consent of the department chairperson and advisor.

  • ART 492 - Drawing Thesis

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Required of all studio majors concentrating in drawing. Production of a mature body of work in preparation for the senior thesis exhibition. Prerequisite: Three courses in the selected concentration or consent of the department chairperson and advisor.

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  • ART 493 - Sculpture Thesis

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Required of all studio majors concentrating in sculpture. Production of a mature body of work in preparation for the senior thesis exhibition. Prerequisite: Three courses in the selected concentration or consent of the department chairperson and advisor.

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  • ART 494 - Painting Thesis

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Required of all studio majors concentrating in painting. Production of a mature body of work in preparation for the senior thesis exhibition. Prerequisite: Three courses in the selected concentration or consent of the department chairperson and advisor.

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  • ART 495 - Printmaking Thesis

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Required of all studio majors concentrating in printmaking. Production of a mature body of work in preparation for the senior thesis exhibition. Prerequisite: Three courses in the selected concentration or consent of the department chairperson and advisor.

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  • ART 496 - Ceramics Thesis

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Required of all studio majors concentrating in ceramics. Production of a mature body of work in preparation for the senior thesis exhibition. Prerequisite: Three courses in the selected concentration or consent of the department chairperson and advisor.

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  • ART 497 - Photography Thesis

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Required of all studio majors concentrating in photography. Production of a mature body of work in preparation for the senior thesis exhibition. Prerequisite: Three courses in the selected concentration or consent of the department chairperson and advisor.

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  • ART 498 - Digital Imaging Thesis

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Required of all studio majors concentrating in digital imaging. Production of a mature body of work in preparation for the senior thesis exhibition. Prerequisite: Three courses in the selected concentration or consent of the department chairperson and advisor.

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The Ensembles

  • MSC 142 - PC Pep Band

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    This group performs for athletic, College, and community events. Rehearsals required. Music to be performed: school songs, rock and popular music, and other styles appropriate to each situation. Since the instrumentation is limited to brass, saxophones, percussion, and electric instruments, students who play orchestral woodwinds are encouraged to learn one of the brass instruments, saxophone, or an electric instrument.  Game performance is contingent upon satisfactory attendance and progress as determined by the faculty director.

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  • MSC 240 - Orchestra

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    This large ensemble rehearses for a total of three hours per week and is open to musicians who play an orchestral instrument. The ensemble performs a wide variety of repertory, dating from the Baroque to the present, and presents a concert each semester of the academic year.

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  • MSC 242 - Symphonic Winds

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    This concert ensemble is devoted to the preparation and performance of the finest traditional and contemporary literature for wind and percussion instruments. Music majors and students from other academic areas find participation in this ensemble challenging and enjoyable. Open to all students with prior instrumental background, this ensemble performs at least four concerts per year.

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  • MSC 245 - Guitar Ensemble

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    Designed to study basic ensemble practices and strives to improve sight-reading skills of guitar and electric bass players through the performance of musical styles ranging from the Renaissance to present day. Open to all guitarists and electric bass players and required for majors and minors with a concentration in these instruments.

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  • MSC 247 - Oriana Women’s Choir

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    Oriana Women’s Choir is open to students with a desire to explore both traditional and multicultural choral repertoire, specifically composed for women’s voices. In addition to semester concerts, the Oriana Women’s Choir is occasionally invited to perform at special events both on and off campus.

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  • MSC 248 - Opera Workshop

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    Opera Workshop is a large ensemble that introduces students to the process of preparation for the performance of musical drama. Through work on scenes from serious and light operas, students gain experience in musical preparation, the development of dramatic characterization, stage movement, blocking, and so forth. Scenes are performed in concert at the end of the semester.

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  • MSC 342 - Jazz Band

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    This large ensemble performs jazz from all style periods as well as repertoires composed for large and small groups. All instrumentalists and singers interested in jazz are welcome but should consult the instructor before enrolling. Students will rehearse for a total of three hours per week and perform once each semester.

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  • MSC 347 - Concert Chorale

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    A large select ensemble, this mixed voice chorale serves as the touring choir along with I Cantori. Concert Chorale performs both major works and repertoire of many styles including traditional and multicultural music. Auditions for this ensemble take place in early September.

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  • MSC 440 - Chamber Ensemble

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    Groups of three to eight players; can include string quartet, woodwind quintet, brass quintet, flute quartet, piano and other trios, or any combination of players. Audition and permission of appropriate instructor required.

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  • MSC 441 - Jazz Chamber Ensemble

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    Small group jazz for rhythm section and winds. Groups may cover music of any jazz style period: New Orleans, swing, bebop, cool school, hard bop, modal, fusion, or modern. Audition and permission of instructor required.

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  • MSC 442 - Wind Ensemble

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    Group of six to 30 players that performs major wind works from 18th century to the present. Wind Ensemble also can include strings and percussion when repertoire specifies. Music for this ensemble typically calls for a single player on each part. Audition required for eligibility.

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  • MSC 445 - Early Music Ensemble

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    In this ensemble, vocal and instrumental students will have the opportunity to explore and perform a wide variety of repertoire from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical periods. Compositions will be chosen based on the instruments and voices of the students who register for the ensemble. Audition or permission of the instructor required.

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  • MSC 447 - I Cantori

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    This small, auditioned, mixed chorus is Providence College’s premiere choral ensemble, used both on and off campus when ambassadors of choral music are needed. This group performs a wide assortment of sacred and secular literature appropriate for the chamber ensemble.

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The Private Lessons

  • MSC 150 – 177 - Applied Music for Non-Majors

    1 semester, 1 1/2 Credits

    These are private lessons open to all interested students; instructors teach once a week on a one-to-one basis. Lessons do not count as a fifth course. There is an additional fee for these lessons. Students also must register in the music department for each of the following lessons: MSC 117 Vocal Jazz I, MSC 150 Piano I, MSC 151 Jazz Piano I, MSC 152 Organ I, MSC 153 Harpsichord, MSC 154 Voice I, MSC 155 Violin I, MSC 156 Viola I, MSC 157, Cello I, MSC 158 String Bass I, MSC 159 Flute I, MSC 160 Oboe I, MSC 161 Clarinet I, MSC 162 Bassoon I, MSC 163 Saxophone I, MSC 164 Trumpet I, MSC 165 Trombone I, MSC 166 French Horn I, MSC 167 Baritone I, MSC 168 Tuba I, MSC 169 Percussion I, MSC 170 Classical Guitar I, MSC 171 Jazz Guitar I, MSC 172 Electric Guitar I, MSC 173 Electric Bass I, MSC 175 Composition I, MSC 176 Harp I, MSC 177 Vocal Jazz I

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  • MSC 250 – 278 - Applied Music II (for freshman/sophomore music majors and music minors)

    1 semester, 1 1/2 Credits

    For freshman/sophomore music majors and music minors. This is the introductory level of private instruction offering a more concentrated, thorough, and technical approach to the student’s chosen instrument. There is an additional fee for these lessons. Prerequisite: Permission of department. Students must also register in the music department for each of the following lessons: MSC 250 Piano II, MSC 251 Jazz Piano II, MSC 252 Organ II, MSC 253 Harpsichord II, MSC 254 Voice II, MSC 255 Violin II, MSC 256 Viola II, MSC 257 Cello II, MSC 258 String Bass II, MSC 259 Flute II, MSC 260 Oboe II, MSC 261 Clarinet II, MSC 262 Bassoon II, MSC 263 Saxophone II, MSC 264 Trumpet II, MSC 265 Trombone II, MSC 266 French Horn II, MSC 267 Baritone II, MSC 268 Tuba II, MSC 269 Percussion II, MSC 270 Classical Guitar II, MSC 271 Jazz Guitar II, MSC 272 Electric Guitar II, MSC 273 Electric Bass II, MSC 275 Composition II, MSC 276 Harp II, MSC 277 Vocal Jazz II, MSC 278 Applied Lessons in Conducting II

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  • MSC 350 – 378 - Applied Music III (for junior/senior music majors)

    1 semester, 1 1/2 Credits

    For junior/senior music majors. A music major is expected to advance to this level of private instruction as a junior and senior. This upper-division applied study will assist in the preparation for the senior recital/project. There is an additional fee for these lessons. Prerequisites: Applied Music II and permission of department. Students must also register in the music department for each of the following lessons: MSC 350 Piano III, MSC 351 Jazz Piano III, MSC 352 Organ III, MSC 353 Harpsichord III, MSC 354 Voice III, MSC 355 Violin III, MSC 356 Viola III, MSC 357 Cello III, MSC 358 String Bass III, MSC 359 Flute III, MSC 360 Oboe III, MSC 361 Clarinet III, MSC 362 Bassoon III, MSC 363 Saxophone III, MSC 364 Trumpet III, MSC 365 Trombone III, MSC 366 French Horn III, MSC 367 Baritone III, MSC 368 Tuba III, MSC 369 Percussion III, MSC 370 Classical Guitar III, MSC 371 Jazz Guitar III, MSC 372 Electric Guitar III, MSC 373 Electric Bass III, MSC 375 Composition III, MSC 376 Harp III, MSC 377 Vocal Jazz II, MSC 378 Applied Lessons in Conducting III

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Theatre, Dance, and Film

  • TDF 101 - Theatre Appreciation

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An introductory course specifically designed for non-majors to increase the student’s awareness of the performing arts and their impact on society. The course will examine the various processes of stage production, the economics of the performing arts, and attempt to develop sound critical standards and enthusiasm through readings and attendance at performances.

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  • TDF 105 - Stagecraft

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An introduction to technical theatre. The fundamentals of scene design, construction, painting, and lighting will be studied. The student will be exposed to construction techniques of scenery for the professional and university stage. Artistic use of scene materials, reading of plans and drawings, and proper use of tools will be studied.

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  • TDF 106 - Introduction to Theatre, Dance, and Film

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This survey course examines works in western theatre, dance, and film, with a particular emphasis on criticism. Class discussions are dedicated to the fundamentals of observation and critiquing, the creative process, and the principles of composition and design. Students participate in creative experiences and will attend live performances and films both on and off campus.

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  • TDF 107 - Oral Interpretation: The Performance of Literature

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Students explore the creative process through the analysis, rehearsal, and performance of selected literary pieces. Students gain extensive experience in oral presentation of prose and poetry. Focuses on representative works from a particular period or country.

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  • TDF 108 - Script Analysis

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Script analysis is a tool used by actors, directors, and designers to recognize and evaluate dramatic and performance values in a play script. Students learn techniques of text analysis designed to support creative work in rehearsal and production. Focuses on analysis of dramatic action and character relationships.

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  • TDF 109 - Introduction to Acting

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course is designed with the beginning actor in mind. Introduces the student actor to the basic vocal and physical techniques of acting as well as exposes him/her to a variety of performance techniques. Traditional acting styles as well as improvisations, mime, and theatre games are experienced during the semester.

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  • TDF 111 - Introduction to Dance

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Exposes students to the technique and appreciation of three different types of dance: ballet, modern, and jazz. Students practice in the studio on an ongoing basis. In addition, students study the history and aesthetics of dance through readings and viewings of live performances and videotapes. Three short papers are required.

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  • TDF 120 - History of Film: The Silent Era

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course traces the history of cinema from its beginnings at the turn of the 20th century to the establishment of the sound cinema. Emphasis is given to film as an art form as well as a social and political phenomenon in the United States and throughout the world. Same as AMS 120.

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  • TDF 121 - History of Film: The Classic Era and Beyond

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course traces key films and movements in the history of the cinema, from the classic Hollywood era in the 1940s to the flowering of international and independent cinema of the present. Emphasis is on cinema as an art form, medium of entertainment, and its development alongside politics, society, and the other arts. Same as AMS 121.

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  • TDF 201 - History of Fashion and Costuming

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This lecture/lab course surveys the history of popular fashion in western civilization from biblical times to the advent of the 20th century. Various cultural factors that have influenced the history and design of clothing are considered.

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  • TDF 202 - History of Theatre

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed as an introductory study in the evolution of theatrical modes and production styles from ancient times to the 19th century. Theatre architecture and the development of acting, directing, design, and playwriting in the major periods of theatre history are explored. The relationship between historical conditions and theatrical presentation is also studied.

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  • TDF 203 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Development of skills in the preparation, delivery, and evaluation of common forms of public address. Students prepare and present a variety of informative and persuasive speeches. Students engage in a debate and speak before a video camera. Sample addresses of outstanding speakers are studied.

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  • TDF 204 - Voice and Diction

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course provides the basic foundation of correct speaking for all areas of public communication. This course is useful for anyone interested in acting, radio, TV, politics, or public speaking. The emphasis is on building vocal technique rather than on interpretation or content.

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  • TDF 205 - Theatrical Production

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Students learn how plays and musicals are produced, including the choice of text, space, actors, production style, and design. Students learn to secure production rights and contractual agreements, as well as plan budgets and rehearsals. The final class project involves creating a plan for producing a specific play.  For TDF Majors/Minors or by permission of instructor. Prerequisite: Either TDF 108 or 109.

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  • TDF 206 - American Musical Theatre

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course exposes students to all aspects of the Broadway or American musical theatre. Emphasis on appreciation and analysis in terms of music, book, lyrics, and design. Eight or nine musicals of various types are studied through analysis of scripts, sound recordings, DVDs, and live performances when possible.

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  • TDF 210 - Introduction to Theatrical Design

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Introduces students to the art of theatrical design, including scenery, costumes, and lighting. Includes the processes of theatrical design, script analysis, research techniques, conceptualization of a design metaphor, production meetings, rendering techniques, and preliminary construction choices. Students attend and analyze productions both on and off campus for design quality. Prerequisites: One of the following: TDF 101, 105, 106, 108, 109, 206, or permission of Instructor.

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  • TDF 212 - Modern Dance

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    In this course in elementary modern dance technique, students explore some of the creative aspects of movement. Introduces the expression of emotion through movement, dynamics, special directions, and basic locomotor movements. Contains warm-up and strengthening exercises stressing the correct use of the body.

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  • TDF 214 - Ballet

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course introduces students to the technique, terminology, and history of ballet. Students will be exposed to basic barre and center work, and will learn basic adagio, petit allegro, and grande allegro combinations. Correct body alignment and muscular control will be stressed. Students will view and write about live performances both on and off campus.

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  • TDF 216 - Jazz Dance

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This class in elementary jazz techniques exposes students to the fundamentals of jazz dance. Contains a warm-up and a movement section, stressing varied jazz styles. Students will view and write about live performance both on and off campus, and will learn jazz dance history.

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  • TDF 220 - The Catholic Imagination of Four American Filmmakers

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An intensive study of the films of John Ford, Frank Capra, Alfred Hitchcock, and Martin Scorsese emphasizing the Catholic imagination from which each of these directors was influenced. The social, psychological, and theological themes found in each filmmaker are considered as ways in which they used their personal concerns to tell popular stories. Same as AMS 220.

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  • TDF 226 - Analyzing Film

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Using film as the primary text, this course introduces students to the theory and practice of reading films as cultural artifacts and as works of art. Focuses on a variety of important Hollywood cinematic works of different genres, each representing some facet of the art of films including the use of visual language of film.

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  • TDF 251 - Performance & Directing Experience

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    Students involved in Blackfriars Theatre production will complete a minimum 35-hour commitment through rehearsal and performance or directing work. Audition is required for participation as an actor.

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  • TDF 252 - Crew Experience

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    Students completing a backstage or technical work assignment (approximately 30 hours) on any show may receive crew experience credit. Jobs include but are not limited to: stage manager, assistant stage manager, light board operator, sound operator, costume crew, running crew, building or painting sets. Majors must complete four crew experiences; minors must complete two crew experiences.

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  • TDF 265 - Providence College Dance Company

    1 semester, 1/2 Credit

    Members of the Dance Company are required to attend one 90-minute technique class per week throughout the semester and to rehearse 6-8 hours per week during the semester. The minimum number of production hours required during the semester is 35. Admission to the Dance Company is by audition.

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  • TDF 301 - Western Drama in Performance

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Overview of dramatic works-Greeks through 19th-century. Conventions of dramatic writing and the theatre practices prevalent in the period and culture in which the plays were originated will be examined. Contemporary adaptations of classical plays and the manner in which contemporary theatre practices are employed to translate historical plays into relevant 21st-century theatre experiences will also be considered. 

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  • TDF 304 - Acting Realism

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Emphasis on the development of the Stanislavski and Method techniques of acting. Reading and scene study centers around the work of selected realistic playwrights, i.e., Miller, Ibsen. Class exercises are designed to develop realistic acting. Prerequisite: TDF 109.

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  • TDF 305 - Acting: Improvisation

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Advanced students study ensemble techniques necessary for the creation of non-scripted, non-traditional performance pieces. Simple physically based exercises grow into complex character-centered verbal improvisation. Includes introduction to the developmental techniques of Chaikin, Spolin, Brooke, and Grotowski. Improvisations are especially helpful to students with physical inhibitions or movement problems. Prerequisite: TDF 109.

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  • TDF 306 - Acting: Presentational Styles

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Introduces vocal and physical techniques used in “classical” verse drama, i.e., the theatre of Greece, Rome, Renaissance England, and France, as well as those skills helpful in portraying high-style comedy or comedy of manners (i.e., Sheridan, Goldsmith, Coward). Prerequisite: TDF 109.

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  • TDF 309 - Principles of Directing

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Offers instruction and practical experience in the art of staging plays. Selection of material, script analysis, casting, rehearsal procedure, techniques of communication with the actor, and the coordination of scenery, costumes, and lighting into a unified stage production will be explored. Readings in the works of Antoine, Craig, Reinhardt, Stanislavski, Meyerhold, Grotowski, and Brook are discussed. Prerequisites: TDF 108 and 109.

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  • TDF 313 - Intermediate Modern Dance

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Builds on the basics of dance technique previously mastered to become adept in the performance of more complex skills. Readings and discussions on modern dance choreographers complement the study of technique. View and critique live performances of modern dance; three papers required.

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  • TDF 314 - Intermediate Ballet

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Further develops the technical skills and ballet vocabulary of dance students, exposing them to ballet history, anatomy for dancers, contemporary ballet choreographers, and current issues in the field. Includes barre, center, and allegro work, emphasizing body alignment, musicality, and performance style. Requirements include readings, live performances off campus, and three papers.

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  • TDF 315 - Dance Composition

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Teaches all phases of the dance-making process. In-class work includes movement improvisations, explorations in different art forms as they relate to dance, and basic choreography. Discussion and reading also are integral to the course. For the final project, each student choreographs, rehearses, and presents a group dance. Prerequisite: TDF 212 or 313.

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  • TDF 316 - Intermediate Jazz Dance

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Further develops students’ technical skills and jazz dance vocabulary and exposes them to jazz dance history, dance criticism, contemporary jazz choreographers, and issues in the field. Class includes floor, center, traveling movement, as well as challenging choreographed combinations. Focuses on correct body alignment, musicality, and performance style. Requirements include readings, live off-campus performances, and three papers.

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  • TDF 319 - History of Dance

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Examines the history of Western concert dance including ballet, modern, and jazz/musical theatre. Beginning in ancient times and continuing to the present, studies artists and cultural phenomena important in the development of contemporary dance in the U.S. Considerations of race, gender, age, and physical ability are included. Prerequisite: Any dance course or permission of instructor.

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  • TDF 320 - Women in the Arts, 1960-Present

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course examines the contributions of women to the arts through an analysis of prominent and influential works in the visual, performing, and literary arts. Each artist’s work is considered, not only in and of itself, but also as representative of its media and against a backdrop of historical, sociological, and political circumstances surrounding female achievement. Same as ARH 320 and WMS 320.

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  • TDF 321 - Screenwriting

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Introduces students to the craft of storytelling through the screen script format. Analyzes the three-act story structure and award-winning scripts. Exercises in script writing help students develop the first act of their own original screenplay. Prerequisites: TDF 120, 121, 226, or 322.

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  • TDF 322 - Film Theory

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    The study of various theories of film, auteur, realism, surrealism, etc. with close attention to the relationship of film to director and to spectator, and the transference of meaning and emotion. Students construct their own theories as a product of the course. Prerequisites: TDF 120, 121, 220, or 226.

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  • TDF 323 - Women in Film

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Considers three areas where women have contributed significantly to film production, technique, and analysis. The history of women film directors is presented. Genres produced for women consumers in the classic Hollywood period are considered. Contemporary film theory and the meaning found in films from a feminist perspective will be examined.
    Same as WMS 323. Prerequisite: 100 or 200-level course in WMS or film.

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  • TDF 328 - Film/Video Production

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    The main focus in this hands-on course is to acquaint students with video equipment and the production process. An introduction to camera techniques and editing, considered within the context of story development and script, is provided. Each student produces a personal video project. Requires an additional video production lab fee.

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  • TDF 370 - Special Topics in Dance

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Primarily a studio practicum, with two-thirds of class time devoted to dancing, and one-third devoted to academics related to the particular style of dance studied. Course requirements include viewing live dance performances and videotapes, readings, writing dance critiques, and a research paper. May be repeated once for credit as topics vary.

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  • TDF 405 - Principles of Playwriting

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to introduce students to the structural elements of writing for the stage. Narrative techniques, dialogue, plot progression, character development, and theatricality are examined in a selection of contemporary American plays and also studied in relation to original dramatic works written by students in the class.

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  • TDF 407 - Children’s Theatre and Creative Drama

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to introduce students to the play methods and theories of creative drama and children’s theatre. Focuses on ways in which creative drama can be incorporated into structured learning situations to enhance natural performing ability. Evolves into an exploration of theatre production and performance technique by and for children.

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