Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Core Curriculum Requirements
Please visit for a listing of courses that have been approved for specific Core Curriculum requirements (Class of 2016 and beyond). The list is updated on a regular basis. In addition, students in the Class of 2013, 2014, and 2015 can search the Course Catalog or Semester Course Offerings in CyberFriar to locate courses with a specific Core Curriculum attribute. Need assistance? Please contact Alyssa Marton at or 401.865.1765.



  • ECN 343 - Health Economics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course studies the allocation of scarce economic resources within the health care market. The size and contribution of the health care sector, the role of health insurance, the organization of health institutions, the production and cost of health care, and health care reform are studied in detail. Prerequisites: ECN 101 and 102.

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  • ECN 344 - Economics of Poverty and Discrimination

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course examines the underlying causes of poverty and discrimination in the United States. It provides students with the necessary skills to understand the societal consequences of these problems and to evaluate alternative policy proposals. Prerequisite: ECN 101 or 102.

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  • ECN 345 - Economics of Sports

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Studies, from a domestic and international perspective, the economics of sports markets using microeconomics and statistics. Topics include: the economic importance and unique economic and legal aspects of sports, public funding of amateur and professional sports, player salaries, owner-player relations, the benefits/costs of college sports and the NCAA. Prerequisites: ECN 101 and MTH 217 (or MTH 423 or MGT 201).

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  • ECN 351 - Industrial Organization

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Analyzes theoretical evaluations of market structure with regard to the performance and conduct of firms. Special attention is given to regulation and other public policy issues such as antitrust policy. The emphasis is on the application of theory to real-world markets. Prerequisites: ECN 101 & MTH 108, 109, or 131.

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  • ECN 352 - Business, Government, and Society

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course examines the economic relationships among business, government, and consumers within the contemporary legal framework. Using the case method, laws relating to business mergers, pricing, and restrictive practices are examined. While the application of microeconomic theory is the principal focus, emphasis is also given to laws relating to consumer well-being in both the labor and product markets. Prerequisite: ECN 101.

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  • ECN 356 - Economics Internship

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This experience offers credit to students in department-sponsored internships in for profit and nonprofit business organizations and governmental agencies. Academic assignments specified in the economics internship contract must be completed. Offered on a pass-fail basis only. Prerequisite: Junior and senior economics majors only. Prior written approval of the economics department chair is required.

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  • ECN 360 - Money and Banking

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course studies interest rates, exchange rates, the supply of money, the management of financial intermediaries, and the role of the central bank in achieving price stability. Emphasis is placed on money creation, financial innovation, and banking regulation. Federal Reserve tools and policies are studied within a framework of contemporary macroeconomic theory, including international trade and payments. Prerequisite: ECN 202.

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  • ECN 365 - International Trade Theory and Policy

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course provides a solid grounding in the economics of international trade. Students will learn international trade theory and how to use it to analyze public policy questions. Topics include the case for free trade, the arguments of tariff protection, and effects of trade and protectionist policies on resource allocation, income distribution, and economic growth. Prerequisite: ECN 201.

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  • ECN 366 - International Monetary Economics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    The course provides an introduction to the current international monetary system. Emphasis is given to theories of exchange rates and their dynamics. The limitations imposed on monetary and fiscal policy by international capital flows will be covered thoroughly. Examines current topics in reform of the exchange rate system, monetary integration, and multinational coordination. Prerequisite: ECN 202.

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  • ECN 380 - Law and Economics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course presents an economic evaluation of the law. It examines the consequences of judicial decisions on the process of resource allocation and evaluates the legal system in terms of its ability to facilitate and achieve economic efficiency. The necessary framework for understanding the evolution of the law and the comparison of alternative legal systems is developed. Prerequisite: ECN 101.

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  • ECN 409 - Economic Forecasting

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course presents a study of econometric techniques, regression models, and time-series analysis for the purposes of forecasting and policy evaluation. Statistical measures used to determine the overall goodness-of-fit of these models and to test the reliability of a forecast are introduced. Forecasting is used to compare the effects of alternative economic policies. Prerequisites: ECN 202 and 314.

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  • ECN 415 - Mathematics for Economists II

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course presents a study of the principal mathematical techniques used in dynamic economic analysis. Integral calculus, differential equations, difference equations, linear programming, nonlinear programming, and game theory will be applied to economic analysis. Prerequisite: ECN 315.

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  • ECN 424 - Economics of Education

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Applies microeconomic theory and econometric analysis to the economics of education. Topics include labor market returns to schooling, peer effects, teacher quality, class size, teacher merit pay, school choice, and education finance. Focuses on current economic research evaluating the U.S. and international experiences with education policy. Students will be expected to write a research paper. Prerequisites: ECN 201 and ECN 214.

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  • ECN 425 - Public Finance

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course presents an analysis of the economic problems faced by public decision makers and the economic tools that are available to them. The course will cover such topics as welfare economics, benefit-cost analysis, public choice, taxation, income redistribution, and the relationship between the budget and the setting of national priorities. Prerequisite: ECN 201.

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  • ECN 438 - Introduction to the Theory of Economic Growth

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course presents an analysis of the factors that cause an economy to grow. Attention will be given primarily to one- and two-sector models of economic growth. Some emphasis will be put on the effects of technical progress on growth and optimality aspects of growth models. Prerequisite: ECN 202.

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  • ECN 440 - Economics of Globalization

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This lecture-seminar examines constitutive components of 20th-century global economic integration: trade liberalization, financial globalization, the knowledge economy, and market failures. By the end of the semester, students are expected to be conversant with the descriptive and analytical dimensions of globalization using neoclassical economic theory, including the contributions of leading scholars in the field. Prerequisites: ECN 201 and ECN 202.

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  • ECN 449 - Financial Economics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course covers issues critical to the allocation of savings and examines questions related to the efficiency of financial markets and asset pricing. Individual saver/investor portfolio formation and protection will be thoroughly discussed. Basic principles of financial economics, savings instruments, markets, and intermediaries will be covered as needed. Prerequisite: ECN 202.

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  • ECN 484 - Seminar in Contemporary Economic Thought

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course presents a critical examination of the success and failure of economic theory and policy. It also includes an introduction to emerging economic thinking. Prerequisites: ECN 201 and ECN 202.

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  • ECN 485 - Seminar in Contemporary Economic Issues

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course presents an in-depth survey of selected economic issues. Students will be expected to perform independent research. Prerequisites: ECN 201 and 202.

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  • ECN 486 - Seminar in Advanced Econometrics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course studies advanced topics in econometrics. Every seminar will include a rigorous discussion of the basic econometric theory needed to develop and analyze models of economic behavior. The student will be expected to write and present a major research paper using statistical analysis. Prerequisites: ECN 314 and 315.

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  • ECN 488 - Economics Senior Capstone

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Senior capstone integrates students’ knowledge attained from economics core courses and electives. Emphasizes writing in economics. Students will intelligently discuss key economic policy issues and relate theory, practice, and policy through the completion of a substantial, original research project. Prerequisites: ECN 201, 202, 214, and at least 3 elective courses in Economics

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  • ECN 490 - Readings and Research

    1 semester, 1-3 Credits

    Open primarily to senior Economics majors. The student is provided the opportunity to explore advanced topics in economics outside of the regular departmental offerings. The number of credits is determined by consultation with the faculty member responsible for the project and the chairperson.  Prerequisite: Permission of the chairperson.

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Education: Elementary/Special

NOTE: For a list of additional education courses, please refer to the Secondary Education section.

  • EDU 125 - Introduction to Communication Development and Disorders in Children

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    How do children develop speech and language skills?  What impact do language differences and disorders have on communication and literacy in and out of the classroom?  Course addresses these questions along with topics such as English language learning, classroom discourse, and augmentative and alternative communication.  Communication strategies, accommodations, and modifications that reflect the diverse needs in today’s classrooms will be considered.

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  • EDU 221 - Introduction to Characteristics of Individuals with Special Needs

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An introduction to individuals with disabilities that includes both a medical and social perspective.  Covers disability rights history, including IDEA, ADA, Section 504, and inclusion.  Diverse characteristics, educational considerations, and strengths of students with special needs will be covered.  Assignments in the field are required.

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  • EDU 231 - Literacy I: Methods and Materials for Teaching Reading

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Provides an understanding of how children develop reading and writing skills in the primary grades. Students learn the multiple components of literacy and apply this knowledge as they develop reading and writing lessons. A variety of evidence-based practices and materials are presented. Students also learn about assessments used to inform instruction and differentiate instruction for the learner. A field experience in an elementary school is required. (See EDU 231L.)

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  • EDU 270 - Teaching Science & Mathematics in the Elementary School

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Enables students to develop knowledge and skills in the methods of teaching mathematics and science to elementary students.  Students will plan, implement, and reflect on standards-based science and mathematics lessons centered on inquiry and problem-solving based approaches.  Students will improve their knowledge of both mathematics and science content and processes while working with children in practicum placements.  Field experience in an elementary school required. (See EDU 270L.)

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  • EDU 285 - Strategies for Classroom Management

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to assist preservice teachers in developing strategies for managing and integrating the physical, academic, social, and behavioral variables of the classroom. Techniques for individual and group management based upon a variety of theories will be explored. Appropriate application of strategies for the diverse student population currently represented in our schools will be included.

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  • EDU 322 - Collaboration: Home/School/Community

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Provides students with knowledge about special education and its relationship to general education. Includes an overview of disability history, special education laws, and inclusive education.  Another focus is analyzing strategies to improve communication and collaboration among home, school, and community resources.  Requirements include opportunities to work with diverse populations of parents and children. 

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  • EDU 331 - Literacy II: Teaching Language Arts & Social Studies in the Elementary School

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to expose students to current language arts and social studies theories and practices. Students will develop and implement integrated language arts and social studies lessons that incorporate literature and process writing and reflect national standards. Students will also explore methods of authentic assessment. A field experience in an elementary school is required. (See EDU 331L.)

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  • EDU 390 - Assessment of Children’s Individual Differences

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to provide information on reliable and valid assessment practices for all children, including the special education process. Use of screening, progress monitoring, and diagnostic assessments  to make data-based decisions is addressed. Practical applications of observation, standardized norm-referenced tests, curriculum-based assessment, and educational report writing are emphasized. Field work in local schools is required. Taken concurrently with EDU 418.

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  • EDU 418 - Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, K-8

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to promote the development of in-depth knowledge and skills regarding the education of all K-8 students, especially those with disabilities that impact learning. Evidence-based instruction in reading, writing, and math that is responsive to K-8 students’ strengths and needs, explicit and systematic teaching, inclusive education, and accommodations and modifications are emphasized. Topics include the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the use of assessment information to inform instruction, and development of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Taken concurrently with EDU 418L. Prerequisites: EDU 231, EDU 331, and EDU 270.

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  • EDU 432 - Autism Spectrum Disorders: Theory and Practice

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Provides an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Historical, medical, social, and educational perspectives will be addressed, as well as the controversies in the field. This spectrum includes: social challenges, communication difficulties, and restricted and repetitive motor patterns of behavior.  Autism spectrum disorders can be seen as either a disability or a difference depending on the lens of the viewer. 

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  • EDU 451 - Student Teaching in the Elementary School

    1 semester, 9 Credits

    Requires teaching on the elementary level under the joint supervision of a cooperating teacher and a College supervisor in the school systems of Rhode Island or neighboring Massachusetts communities. Weekly seminars are required.  Prerequisites: All education courses required for ESE major except EDU 322 and EDU 301.

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  • EDU 452 - Student Teaching in Elementary/ Special Education

    1 semester, 9 Credits

    Requires teaching in an elementary special education setting under the joint supervision of a cooperating teacher and a College supervisor in the school systems of Rhode Island or neighboring Massachusetts communities. Weekly seminars are required.  Prerequisites: EDU 390 and EDU 418.

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  • EDU 470 - Selected Topics in Education

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    In this elective course, special topics in education will be offered that are not covered in depth in existing courses. Courses will reflect current issues, innovations, debates, and/or controversies within the field of education. Topics may include those being considered for new courses as well as those permitting faculty to develop areas of individual and/or research interests.

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  • EDU 490 - Independent Field Experience in Education

    1 semester, 1 Credit


    Provides students an opportunity to pursue an additional education 25 hour practicum under the direction of an education faculty member and cooperating teacher. Proposals that include specific objectives and deliverable products must be approved prior to course registration.  Prerequisites: Elementary/Special Education, Secondary Education, or Music Education majors and permission of department chair or program director.

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Education: Secondary

NOTE: For a list of additional education courses, please refer to the Elementary/Special Education section.

  • EDU 201 - Educational Psychology

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Study of those facts and principles of psychology that will assist the students in formulating and clarifying objectives as classroom teachers. Deals with such matters as cognitive development, motivation, retention, problem solving, and the social and emotional problems involved in personality integration.

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  • EDU 206 - Principles of Secondary Education

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Considers the secondary school in its totality. Students are introduced to lesson and unit planning, national and state content standards, teaching strategies, and differentiation of instruction. A field experience in a secondary school is required. (See also EDU 206L.) Prerequisite: EDU 201.

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  • EDU 210 - American Sign Language

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Introductory level overview of both the language and the culture of the deaf community. Focuses on frequently used signs, basic rules of grammar, and cultural features of the deaf community. At the beginning, the course is taught in both sign and voice and, as it progresses, there will be less voice.

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  • EDU 211 - Urban Education

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Explores the emergence and transformation of urban schools through historical, sociological, and political science perspectives. Enables students to appreciate a democratic society that embraces diversity, equity and social justice in urban schools through readings, discussions, and participation in service learning.

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  • EDU 301 - Foundations of Education

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    The historical, philosophical, and social influences that have contributed, through education, to American traditions, ideas, institutions, and the cultural development of our way of life. Co-requisites: EDU 450, 451, 452, or MSC 331.

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  • EDU 303 - The Child with Special Needs in the Regular Classroom

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to provide prospective teachers with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to identify students with special needs and to work with support staff in meeting the students’ needs within the general curriculum. Focuses on understanding the characteristics and needs of these students within a least restrictive environment. (See also EDU 303L.) Prerequisite: EDU 206.

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  • EDU 401 - Educational Measurement

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of cognitive assessment including the construction, application, and interpretation of standardized and teacher-made tests used to inform teaching and curriculum decision-making. Students also will examine alternative assessments including authentic and portfolio assessments. (See EDU 401L.) Prerequsite: EDU 206.

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  • EDU 411 - Teaching English in Secondary Schools

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Consideration will be given to the methods, procedures, and techniques found effective in the teaching of English on the secondary level. Attention will be given to the formulation of lesson plans and the use of micro teaching in the critique of the presentation of these lesson plans. (See also EDU 411L.) Prerequisites: EDU 206, EDU 303, and EDU 401.

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  • EDU 412 - Teaching Science in Secondary Schools

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to introduce prospective teachers to new curricula in science. The students will examine science standards and have an opportunity to develop and present a series of lessons based on these standards. Students also will develop a series of experiments to demonstrate basic scientific principles as preparation for actual classroom teaching. Prerequisites: EDU 206, EDU 303, and EDU 401.

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  • EDU 414 - Teaching History & Social Studies in Secondary Schools

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to make students aware of the principles and methods of history and social studies instruction, current research, and practice in the field. (See also EDU 414L.) Prerequisites: EDU 206, EDU 303, and EDU 401.

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  • EDU 415 - Teaching Modern Languages in Secondary Schools

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Develops more effective foreign language teaching through the examination of recent research in methodology and educational media. Laboratory experiences will be offered. (See also EDU 415L.) Prerequisites: EDU 206, EDU 303, and EDU 401.

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  • EDU 416 - Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed to provide students with an understanding of teaching mathematics in a concrete fashion. NCTM standards will be reviewed and the students will use a variety of strategies and resources including technology to prepare materials and lessons. (See also EDU 416L.) Prerequisites: EDU 206, EDU 303, and EDU 401.

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  • EDU 449 - Classroom Management for High/Middle School Teachers

    1 semester, 1 Credit

    Introduces various managerial strategies, offers future teachers ideas for effective classroom management, and develops understanding of the value of collaborating with the school community. Classroom management is defined as the set of activities that the classroom teacher develops and maintains for effective and efficient instruction. Prerequisites: EDU 206, EDU 303, and EDU 401.

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  • EDU 450 - Student Teaching in the Secondary School

    1 semester, 9 Credits

    Involves a semester of teaching in a secondary school under the joint supervision of a cooperating teacher and a College supervisor. Seminar meetings will be held. Prerequisites: EDU 411, EDU 412, EDU 414, EDU 415, or EDU 416.

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  • EDU 471 - Selected Topics in Education

    1 semester, 1-3 Credits

    In this elective course, special topics in education will be offered that are not covered in depth in existing courses. Courses will reflect current issues, innovations, debates, and/or controversies within the field of education. Topics may include those being considered for new courses as well as those permitting faculty to bring current research ideas to the classroom.

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  • EPS 101 - General Physics I

    1 semester, 4 Credits

    Introductory physics intended for physics, engineering, biology, chemistry, and mathematics majors. EPS 101 includes mechanics, waves, and heat. Calculus is used. (Lectures 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours.)

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  • EPS 102 - General Physics II

    1 semester, 4 Credits

    A continuation of EPS 101; includes electricity, magnetism, optics, and an introduction to relativity. Calculus is used. (Lectures 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours.) Prerequisite: EPS 101.

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  • EPS 105 - Conceptual Physics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    A course specifically designed for non-science majors. Topics included are: the classical ideas of motion as exemplified by Newton’s Laws, the conservation theorems of energy and momentum and their application, the ideas of 20th-century physics, and selected subjects which relate to current concerns in everyday life.

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  • EPS 115 - Concepts of Systems Science

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    A course specifically designed for non-science majors. The course introduces the concept of a system and looks at the properties and features that all systems have in common. General systems principles will be illustrated by specific examples from natural systems: life cycles, entropy, system environments, feedback, and control. The morphology of models and their use will be emphasized.

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  • EPS 117 - Astronomy

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An introduction to the principles of astronomy for non-science majors. Topics to be covered include the history of the science and methods of study, the study of stars and galaxies, and a general survey of cosmological models. Recent discoveries such as background black-body radiation, pulsars, and quasars, as well as the implications of general relativity, will be discussed qualitatively.

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  • EPS 118 - Introduction to Meteorology

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Intended for non-science majors. The student will use actual data and perform in-class experiments to form a link between the empirical and theoretical aspects of the study of weather in order to appreciate how meteorology is a natural extension of the methods of inquiry used in physics. Numerical work is done, but the primary approach to the course material is conceptual.

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  • EPS 120 - The Science of Sound and Music

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    For non-science majors with an interest in the scientific underpinnings of music and sound, through hands-on workshops, this course conceptually treats sound production, propagation, and sensing and topics including: pitch, loudness, timbre, scales, intervals, and performance spaces. Music knowledge is a plus.

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  • EPS 125 - How Things Work

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    In this course, we will attempt to understand the workings of common technical devices in terms of simply physical principles. Examples range from bicycles to rockets, lights to lasers, radios to CDs, and solar panels to electrical power plants. No mathematics beyond algebra and trigonometry will be assumed.

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  • EPS 131 - Introduction to Engineering

    1 semester, 1 Credit

    An introduction to the process and practice of engineering. Topics included are: the history of engineering, engineering design, optimization and mathematics in engineering, fields of engineering, the engineer and society, contemporary opportunities, and challenges. The class will meet one hour per week.

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  • EPS 201 - Introductory Modern Physics

    1 semester, 4 Credits

    Principles of special relativity and quantum physics; application to atomic, nuclear, molecular, solid state, and elementary particle physics. (Lectures 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours.) Prerequisite: EPS 102.

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  • EPS 202 - Electronic Devices

    1 semester, 4 Credits

    An introduction to the principles of operation of the basic components of electronic devices. Included: circuit problems, models, integrated circuits, analog and digital systems, complex analysis, equivalent circuits. (Lectures 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours.)

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  • EPS 221 - Scientific Programming

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course treats the structure and vocabulary of programming languages such as C, Fortran, or JAVA and their application in science/engineering problems. Input/output, control and branching, iteration, arrays and subscripts, file processing, and sub programming will be treated. Standard modular/structured approaches will be emphasized. The course is intended for science and engineering majors.

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  • EPS 222 - Elements of Systems Modeling

    1 semester, 1 Credit

    This course treats the concept of a system model and includes a basic introduction to Monte Carlo simulation and to dynamic representations such as Industrial Dynamics methods.

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  • EPS 295 - Research

    1 semester, 1-3 Credits

    An entry level research experience allowing the student to take ownership of a research problem normally related to a larger research and development project, under the supervision of a faculty member or research mentor. All aspects of the research enterprise including review of literature, and experimental or theoretical investigation are included. May be repeated by Sophomores and Juniors.

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  • EPS 296 - Research

    1 semester, 1-3 Credits

    An entry level research experience allowing the student to take ownership of a research problem normally related to a larger research and development project, under the supervision of a faculty member or research mentor. All aspects of the research enterprise including review of literature, and experimental or theoretical investigation are included. May be repeated by Sophomores and Juniors.

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  • EPS 301 - Mechanics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course examines vector algebra and vector calculus, statics, dynamics of particles, central force motion, oscillations, dynamics of rigid bodies, Lagrange’s equations, and provides an introduction to Hamiltonian mechanics. Prerequisite: EPS 101.

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  • EPS 302 - Electromagnetism

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Basic electromagnetic field theory, charges in fields, radiation from charges, electrodynamics of continuous media, transmission of electromagnetic waves through materials.

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  • EPS 303 - Systems Approach to Complex Problem Solving

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Philosophy and techniques for defining problems, generating alternative solutions, and evaluating solutions for problems which require a multidisciplinary study will be discussed. Topics to be included: defining objectives, analysis of functions to be performed, enhancing creativity, the structure of systems, cost and effectiveness, and project management. Prerequisite: EPS 222.

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  • EPS 395 - Research

    1 semester, 1-3 Credits

    An entry level research experience allowing the student to take ownership of a research problem normally related to a larger research and development project, under the supervision of a faculty member or research mentor. All aspects of the research enterprise including review of literature, and experimental or theoretical investigation are included. May be repeated by Sophomores and Juniors.

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  • EPS 396 - Research

    1 semester, 1-3 Credits

    An entry level research experience allowing the student to take ownership of a research problem normally related to a larger research and development project, under the supervision of a faculty member or research mentor. All aspects of the research enterprise including review of literature, and experimental or theoretical investigation are included. May be repeated by Sophomores and Juniors.

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  • EPS 430 - Thermodynamics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    The course investigates the transfer of energy in complex objects. The tools employed will be mathematical modeling, statistics, the use of tables, differential equations, and computer programs. Emphasis will be placed on entropy and the limits it places on the performance of physical devices. Prerequisite: EPS 102.

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  • EPS 448 - Applied Quantum Physics

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    The course examines the physical concepts governing the atomic and subatomic domain of matter. How these concepts manifest themselves in the mathematics of quantum mechanics and how they are used to investigate various physical states of matter will be examined. Emphasis will be placed on solutions to Schrödinger’s equation. Prerequisite: EPS 201.

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  • EPS 450 - Internship

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course is available to seniors who wish to gain experience in an industrial/company setting. Students will independently explore the practical applications of physical principles learned in the classroom.

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  • EPS 495 - Research

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An original research problem which demands a thorough search of the literature and an intensive laboratory and/or theoretical investigation.

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  • EPS 496 - Research

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An original research problem which demands a thorough search of the literature and an intensive laboratory and/or theoretical investigation.

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  • ENG 101 - Writing Seminar

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Designed for students who require training in the essential skills of writing. Students will master mechanics (grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, correct usage) as well as paragraph organization and essay development. Required course for all those designated as not meeting college-level writing standards.

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  • ENG 161 - Introduction to Journalism

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Introduces students to basic journalistic experiences including interviewing, researching, and news, feature, and sports writing. It defines both standards of journalistic writing and the legal standards that govern journalism, and combines lively writing experience with critical awareness. Prerequisite: Intensive Writing Level I Proficiency.

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  • ENG 175 - Introduction to Literature

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    An investigation of the three main literary genres—poetry, fiction, and drama—with an emphasis on writing. Students completing this course should be able to read with engagement and discernment, discuss literature critically, and write analytically and with an awareness of scholarly conversations. Required for English majors.

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  • ENG 201 - Readings in Literature

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    These courses are offered specifically for non-English majors who wish to cultivate their enjoyment of literature. Students read and write about a variety of works focusing on themes such as money and power in literature, fallen heroes, or the tragic dilemma.

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  • ENG 204 - Literary Journalism

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    A plus on any résumé, magazine journalism gives students practical hands-on experience editing and publishing a literary journal. We will solicit and edit work, design and help produce The Alembic. Students will read literary texts in several genres within a critical context and formulate, discuss, and develop sophistication in critical issues. Comparative essays, close readings, and book reviews will all be part of the course.

    Click here for the Semester Course Offerings

  • ENG 207 - Reading in Dramatic Literature

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Comparative study of dramatic literature in the medium of theatre and cinema (script and screenplay) as an expression of the tragic/comic world view. Students will attend specific theatre performances and view appropriate screen adaptations of plays in the syllabus.

    Click here for the Semester Course Offerings

  • ENG 231 - Survey of British Literature I

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course is an intensive survey of English literature from its Anglo-Saxon beginnings through the 18th century. The course traces the rise of the English language as a vehicle for literary art and emphasizes historical development of literary genres.

    Click here for the Semester Course Offerings

  • ENG 232 - Survey of British Literature II

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This is an intensive survey of English literature from Romanticism to Modernism. The course emphasizes the development of a specific British literary tradition, manifested in a variety of literary genres.

    Click here for the Semester Course Offerings

  • ENG 285 - Introduction to Creative Writing

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    Introduction to Creative Writing in fiction and poetry for Creative Writing majors and other interested students. Classes discuss reading and writing assignments in seminar and workshop settings. Students keep reading journals, write substantive critiques of each other’s work, a book review on poetry or fiction, and assemble a portfolio of their work including nine poems and three short stories, all with two to four revisions.

    Click here for the Semester Course Offerings

  • ENG 301 - Intermediate Writing

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course emphasizes argumentative writing. Students will write and discuss essays in order to master the art of persuasion. Considerable attention will also be given to matters of style and organization. Prerequisite: Intensive Writing Level I Proficiency.

    Click here for the Semester Course Offerings

  • ENG 304 - History of the English Language

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course examines the historical and linguistic development of the English language as revealed through selected literary texts from the Middle Ages to the present. We will examine the technical aspects of language (semantics, syntax, phonology), as well as larger literary concerns.

    Click here for the Semester Course Offerings

  • ENG 305 - Medieval Literature

    1 semester, 3 Credits

    This course varies in organization: sometimes it concentrates on a major genre (Romance, Drama, Dream Vision); sometimes it surveys the period (Beowulf to Malory); sometimes it focuses on the richness of the last quarter of the 14th century (Gawain-Poet, Chaucer, Langland).

    Click here for the Semester Course Offerings


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