Spousal Dual-Career Hire Procedures
The success of Providence College depends on the continued recruitment and retention of faculty of the highest caliber. As dual-career couples have become increasingly common, the ability to provide dual-career positions when appropriate has become a necessary tool to remain competitive in the recruitment and retention of the most sought-after candidates. The following procedures work to ensure that spousal hiring is conducted in a fair and ethical manner in a way consistent with the Providence College Mission. Though this policy represents an exception to the search procedures outlined in Appendix A , they do NOT represent an exception to the high standard we maintain for the appointment to the ordinary faculty of Providence College. The existence of this policy does not imply guarantee of employment for any person and serves only to provide procedures by which a dual-career appointment may be made. All activities pursuant to this policy require all Providence College employees remain in compliance with the Providence College Nepotism Policy (see Appendix N).
1.0 Spousal Dual-Career Hire Procedures for New Hires
1.1 Definitions
The term spouse is used in this document to describe individuals who are legally married to each other and shall be applied equally without regard to the sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
“Candidate A” refers to the first spouse being offered a faculty position at Providence College.
“Candidate B” refers to the spouse of Candidate A whose potential employment as an ordinary faculty member at Providence College may serve as a factor in Candidate A’s acceptance of the offer of employment.
“Department A” refers to the department in which Candidate A has been offered employment.
“Department B” refers to the department in which Candidate B is seeking employment. In cases in which Candidate A & B have similar fields,
Departments A & B may in fact be the same department.
1.2 Eligibility
This policy may only be utilized as part of the negotiation of an offer of employment. Upon acceptance of an offer, this procedure may not be used for consideration of a position for a spouse. Spouses of current employees are eligible to apply for any announced position of the
college through the traditional search process described in Appendix A and are entitled to equal consideration with all other applications for the position. Further, they may be eligible via procedures outlined below in 2.0.
1.3 Procedures
After receiving an offer for employment, Candidate A may request that a spousal hire be considered. That request is to be communicated to the provost. Upon receipt of this request the provost is to inform the chairperson of Department A, the appropriate dean, and the
college president. After making the initial request, Candidate A has no further role in the process and is not to be involved in any further negotiations or discussions regarding the potential spousal hire.
Candidate B will provide the provost, appropriate dean and chairperson of Department B with a curriculum vitae, along with a cover letter indicating their interest in and qualification for a position, and their response to the Providence College Mission Statement.
The provost, in consultation with the college president and appropriate dean will determine, in the context of the strategic plan, expected vacancies, and budget, if a potential position exists. If it is determined that a position may be viable, Candidate B’s materials will be provided to Department B for review.
Department B will review Candidate B’s materials and determine if Candidate B’s qualifications could provide a significant contribution to Department B’s staffing needs and curricular goals. Further, they must consider whether Candidate B would likely be among the finalists in a national search for a similar position. Department B may request additional information from Candidate B, including an interview, or other materials required of a traditional candidate for a faculty position, to help make this determination. Department B’s deliberation and final vote will be provided to the appropriate dean and to the provost. Failure to secure a simple majority support from Department B will terminate the process and an offer to Candidate B will not be made. If the Department B votes in the affirmative, the process continues as it would under a traditional search as detailed in Appendix A.
Department B’s recommendation concerning Candidate B shall be submitted by the department chair to the school dean. The school dean will forward hiring recommendation to the provost (as chair of the Committee on Academic Rank and Tenure). Candidates found
unacceptable to the school dean will still be forwarded to the provost. The provost will present Candidate B’s credentials and the recommendations of Department B and the dean to the Committee on Academic Rank and Tenure for its review and recommendation.
The president, after receiving the recommendations of the department, the school dean, the provost, and the Committee on Academic Rank and Tenure, shall inform the provost of his decision.
The provost shall inform the chair of Department B and the Committee on Rank and Tenure of the president’s decision. If the president decides to appoint, the provost shall negotiate an initial contract with Candidate B.
2.0 Spousal Dual Career Hire Procedures for Existing Faculty
2.1 Definitions
The term spouse is used in this document to describe individuals who are legally married to each other and shall be applied equally without regard to the sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
“Faculty Member A” refers to the first spouse who currently holds a faculty position with tenure at Providence College.
“Candidate B” refers to the spouse of Faculty Member A whose consideration for employment as an ordinary faculty member at Providence College has been requested by Candidate A.
“Department A” refers to the department in which Faculty Member A has a current faculty appointment.
“Department B” refers to the department in which Candidate B is seeking employment. In cases in which Faculty Member A & Candidate B have similar fields.
Departments A & B may in fact be the same department.
2.2 Eligibility
This policy may only be utilized by current tenured members of the ordinary faculty of the Providence College on behalf of their spouses.
2.3 Procedures
Beginning on January 2nd and no later than March 1st, Faculty Member A may request that a spousal hire be considered for appointment following the next annual academic search cycle. That request is to be communicated to the provost. Upon receipt of this request the provost is to inform the chairperson of Department B, the appropriate dean, and the college president. After making the initial request, Faculty Member A has no further role in the process and is not to be involved in any further negotiations or discussions regarding the potential spousal hire. Attempts to influence departments regarding this decision of a spousal hire outside of this process may result in Candidate B’s ineligibility for the procedures detailed in Appendix S.
Candidate B will provide the provost, appropriate dean and chairperson of Department B with a curriculum vitae, along with a cover letter indicating their interest in and qualification for a position, and their response to the Providence College Mission Statement.
The provost, in consultation with the college president and appropriate dean will determine, in the context of the strategic plan, expected vacancies, and budget, if a potential position exists and if so, the appropriate department (Department B). As part of this determination, the dean and provost may contact departments to collect information regarding their staffing and strategic goals. If it is determined that a position may be viable, Candidate B’s materials will be provided to Department B for review. Should no department be identified, the process ends but may be renewed by Candidate A after a period no shorter than 1 academic year.
Department B will review Candidate B’s materials and determine if Candidate B’s qualifications could provide a significant contribution to Department B’s staffing needs and curricular goals. Further, they must consider whether Candidate B would likely be among the finalists in a national search for a similar position. Department B may request additional information from Candidate B, including an interview, or other materials required of a traditional candidate for a faculty position, to help make this determination. Department B’s deliberation and final vote will be provided to the appropriate dean and to the provost. Failure to secure a simple majority support from Department B will terminate the process and an offer to Candidate B will not be made. Candidate B, having been denied by Department B, is not eligible for further consideration by Department B under Appendix S. Candidate B remains eligible for consideration under any search conducted by any department, including Department B. If the Department B votes in the affirmative, the process continues as it would under a traditional search as detailed in Appendix A.
Department B’s recommendation concerning Candidate B shall be submitted by the department chair to the school dean. The school dean will forward hiring recommendation to the provost (as chair of the Committee on Academic Rank and Tenure). Candidates found unacceptable to the school dean will still be forwarded to the provost. The provost will present Candidate B’s credentials and the recommendations of Department B and the dean to the Committee on Academic Rank and Tenure for its review and recommendation. The president, after receiving the recommendations of the department, the school dean, the provost, and the Committee on Academic Rank and Tenure, shall inform the provost of his decision.The provost shall inform the chair of Department B and the Committee on Rank and Tenure of the president’s decision. If the president decides to appoint, the provost shall negotiate an initial contract with Candidate B.