Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Core Curriculum Requirements
The Core Foundation/Proficiency attribute search terms are:

  • Civic Engagement, Diversity, Ethics, Fine Arts, Natural Science, Oral Communication, Philosophy, Physics-Based Natural Science, Quantitative Reasoning, Social Science, Theology, Writing I, Writing II

To search in the Catalog for courses that meet specific Core Foundation/Proficiency attributes, there are three options:

  1. Use the Course Filter on the Course Descriptions page. Enter your desired search term in the “Keyword or Phrase” box and check the box beneath for “Find whole word or phrase only.”
  2. Enter the desired search term, in quotes, in the Publication Search box.
  3. Use the Advanced Search feature of the Publication Search. Click on the Advanced Search button and type in the desired search term in the “Enter a keyword or phrase” field, check the box beneath for “Find whole word or phrase only.”, and leave only the Courses checkbox checked. This will ensure that only courses containing the desired search term show.

In addition, users may visit the Core Curriculum site for a listing of courses that have been approved for specific Core Curriculum requirements and/or search the Semester Course Offerings in CyberFriar.

Need assistance? Please contact the Office of the Registrar at 401.865.1033.


Development of Western Civilization

  • DWC 101 - Development of Western Civilization I

    1 semester, 4 credits-

    This interdisciplinary course examines the civilization of the West through literature, philosophy, theology, history, and art from its beginnings in the ancient Near East, through ancient Greece and Rome, to the Age of Charlemagne with particular attention to the Catholic and Dominican tradition.

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  • DWC 102 - Development of Western Civilization II

    1 semester, 4 credits-

    This interdisciplinary course examines the Medieval and Modern Western world through literature, philosophy, theology, history, and art from the Age of Charlemagne, through the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Enlightenment, into the 18th century up to the American and French Revolutions with particular attention to the Catholic and Dominican tradition.

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  • DWC 201 - Development of Western Civilization III

    1 semester, 4 credits-

    This interdisciplinary course continues the examination of the Western world through literature, philosophy, theology, history, and art from the French Revolution to the present with particular attention to the Catholic and Dominican tradition.

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  • DWC 202 - Development of Western Civilization IV

    1 semester, 4 credits-


    This is a team-taught colloquium taught by two professors from departments from across campus. Building upon the first three semesters, the advanced colloquium will focus on a specific, contemporary issue in the context of the western tradition.

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  • ECN 101 - Principles of Economics: Micro

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Social Science

    Explains the economic behavior of individuals and firms in a market economy. Consideration is given to consumer and producer choice under various market structures and to the theoretical and actual distribution of income.

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  • ECN 102 - Principles of Economics: Macro

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Social Science

    A model of the aggregate economy is developed to determine the level of output, income, prices, and employment. The international sector is incorporated into the model reflecting the importance of international trade in today’s economies. The role of fiscal and monetary policies in economic outcomes is examined and evaluated.

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  • ECN 201 - Microeconomic Analysis

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Studies consumer behavior and the theory of the firm. Pricing in the factor and product markets under varying degrees of competition and partial vs. general equilibrium conditions are discussed. This serves as an introduction to welfare economics. Prerequisites: ECN 101 and either MTH 108, 109, or 131.

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  • ECN 202 - Macroeconomic Analysis

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Provides a detailed study of the macro economy. Topics include the determination of income, output, price level, monetary and fiscal policy, unemployment, growth and productivity. The open economy is integrated into the course material in order to provide a comprehensive study. Attention is given to the expectations in economic outcomes and policy-making. Prerequisite: ECN 102 and MTH 108, MTH 109, or MTH 131.

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  • ECN 214 - Introduction to Econometrics with Computing Lab

    1 semester, 4 credits-

    Develops a set of tools that are used to access, analyze, and interpret economic data. Students are introduced to major economic databases, basic statistical techniques, and receive hands-on training in the use of current information technologies. Prerequisites: ECN 101 or 102, and MTH 217.

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  • ECN 307 - American Economic History

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Examines the structure and ideology of economic change in the United States from Colonial times to the present together with the dynamic development of its economic institutions. The approach is analytical rather than descriptive. Political, social, and cultural events are acknowledged for their influence on economic events and institutions. Prerequisite: ECN 101 or 102.

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  • ECN 309 - Development of Economic Thought

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Surveys the development of economic thought and method from the Greek classical period to the present. It critically presents the works and ideas of both mainstream and non-mainstream economic writers with special emphasis on the evolution of the discipline since circa 1775. Prerequisite: ECN 101 or 102.

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  • ECN 320 - Labor Economics

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Civic Engagement

    Introduces students to the study of the economics of the labor market. Analysis of the demand for and supply of labor as well as the theories of wage determination are studied in detail. The economic effects of unions and governmental legislation on the operation of the labor market are considered. Prerequisite: ECN 101.

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  • ECN 321 - Labor-Management Relations

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Studies the historical, legal, and institutional aspects of labor-management relations in the United States. The work environments of unionized and non-unionized organizations are contrasted. Labor-management relations systems of the major trading partners of the United States are examined, as are ethical issues facing unions and employers. Case studies are an integral part of this course. Prerequisite: ECN 101.

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  • ECN 322 - Collective Bargaining

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Introduces the structure and process of bargaining. Focus is placed on the economic and behavioral theories of bargaining as well as the strategies and tactics utilized in negotiations and the consequences of a breakdown in negotiations. Selected leading issues are examined in depth. Students participate in simulated collective bargaining exercises and grievance arbitration cases. Prerequisite: ECN 101.

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  • ECN 335 - The Economics of Developing Nations

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Surveys theories and policies of developing nations. Attention is given to geography, natural and human resources, the rural and industrial sectors, governmental administration and planning, monetary and fiscal policies, foreign trade and aid, balance of payments, sustainable development (environment and development), integration, and prospects of further development. Same as BLS 335. Prerequisite: ECN 101 or 102.

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  • ECN 341 - Urban Economics

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Presents an economic view of the structure, functions, and contemporary problems of urban areas. The course is policy-oriented and uses the tools of microeconomics for analytical purposes. The economics of urban problems such as poverty, homelessness, congestion, pollution, and crime are explored. Prerequisite: ECN 101.

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  • ECN 342 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Civic Engagement

    Studies the economic principles related to renewable and non-renewable natural resource use. Attention is given to issues concerning pollution abatement policies, common property resources, recycling, global pollutants, and the adequacy of natural resources to meet future demands. Prerequisite: ECN 101.

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  • ECN 343 - Health Economics

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Studies the allocation of scarce economic resources within the health care market. The size and contribution of the health care sector, the role of health insurance, the organization of health institutions, the production and cost of health care, and health care reform are studied in detail. Same as HPM 343. Prerequisites: ECN 101 and 102.

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  • ECN 344 - Economics of Poverty and Discrimination

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Explores the economic theory of poverty and discrimination, how they can be measured, what these measures show about the extent of poverty and discrimination across time and place, and examples of successful and unsuccessful programs to fight poverty and discrimination. Prerequisites: ECN 101 or ECN 102.

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  • ECN 345 - Economics of Sports

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Studies, from a domestic and international perspective, the economics of sports markets using microeconomics and statistics. Topics include: the economic importance and unique economic and legal aspects of sports, public funding of amateur and professional sports, player salaries, owner-player relations, the benefits/costs of college sports and the NCAA. Prerequisites: ECN 101 and MTH 217, or MTH 423, or FIN 217.

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  • ECN 346 - Economics of Gender

    1 semester, 3credits, Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Uses economic analysis to understand the changing roles of women in the economy and to explain why we observe different outcomes for men and women. Topics include marriage, spousal violence, divorce, fertility, variations in the supply of female labor, differential human capital investment by gender, occupational differentiation by gender, and gender gap in earnings. Same as WGS 346. Prerequisite: ECN 101 or ECN 102.

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  • ECN 350 - Game Theory

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Studies methods and tools for analyzing strategic interaction, in which the outcome of a person’s decision depends on both their choice and the choices of others. Studies both theory and experimental evidence, and includes specific applications of game theory to economic settings, such as auctions, bargaining, competition among firms, and herd behavior. Prerequisites: ECN 101 and MTH 108, 109, or 131.

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  • ECN 352 - Business, Government, and Society

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Examines the economic relationships among business, government, and consumers within the contemporary legal framework. Using the case method, laws relating to business mergers, pricing, and restrictive practices are examined. While the application of microeconomic theory is the principal focus, emphasis is also given to laws relating to consumer well-being in both the labor and product markets. Prerequisite: ECN 101.

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  • ECN 356 - Economics Internship

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    This experience offers credit to students in department-sponsored internships in for profit and nonprofit business organizations and governmental agencies. Academic assignments specified in the economics internship contract must be completed. Offered on a pass-fail basis only. Prerequisite: Junior and senior economics majors only. Prior written approval of the economics department chair is required.

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  • ECN 375 - The Economics of Happiness

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    What is happiness, what are its constitutive elements, and what are its relations to political and economic life? Wellbeing literature of the past forty years will be reviewed, including its historical context, in order to study the meaning of happiness, how it can be measured, its determinants, and its implications for political systems and economic growth. Prerequisites: ECN 101, ECN 102, and MTH 217 or FIN 217 or MTH 325.

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  • ECN 385 - China and Emerging Markets

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Provides a systematic overview of Chinese contemporary economy, including Chinese economic practices and achievements under both planned and market economic systems, international trade, foreign investment, sustainable growth and environmental quality, inequality, and macroeconomic policy. The Chinese economy will be compared with other Emerging Market Economies (e.g. India, South Korea). We use the College’s research databases. Prerequisites: ECN 101 or ECN 102.

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  • ECN 395 - Research

    1 semester, 1-3 credits-

    Undergraduate research under the guidance of a faculty member [juniors or seniors]. Students will be engaged in a creative research project under the direction of the faculty member. Variable credit hours (1-3 credit hours) where 1 credit hour equals 4 hours of research time. Pass/Fail only. Research courses may be repeated for credit, but only 3 credit hours may apply to the Economics major. Fall or spring semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor required.

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  • ECN 396 - Research

    1 semester, 1-3 credits-

    Undergraduate research under the guidance of a faculty member [juniors, or seniors]. Students will be engaged in a creative research project under the direction of the faculty member. Variable credit hours (1-3 credit hours) where 1 credit hour equals 4 hours of research time. Pass/Fail only. Research courses may be repeated for credit, but only 3 credit hours may apply to the Economics major. Fall or spring semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor required.

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  • ECN 409 - Economic Forecasting

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Presents a study of econometric techniques, regression models, and time-series analysis for the purposes of forecasting and policy evaluation. Statistical measures used to determine the overall goodness-of-fit of these models and to test the reliability of a forecast are introduced. Forecasting is used to compare the effects of alternative economic policies. Prerequisites: ECN 202 and 214.

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  • ECN 412 - Managerial Economics

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Applies economic analysis to the process and use of economic information to develop strategies that enhance the goals of the organization in a highly competitive economic environment. Emphasis is placed on analyzing choices by using the economist’s set of tools in describing, analyzing, and understanding diverse problems faced by decision makers in an economic framework. Prerequisite: ECN 201.

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  • ECN 417 - Mathematics for Economists I

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Introduces students to the study of how principal mathematical techniques are applied to static and comparative-static economic analysis. These techniques include differential calculus and matrix algebra. Emphasis is placed on the application of these mathematical tools to economic analysis. Prerequisites: ECN 201 and 202.

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  • ECN 419 - Intermediate Econometrics with Computing Lab

    1 semester, 4 credits-

    Extends the analysis of linear models and their applications to include the problems associated with both model specification and estimation methods in the context of single-equation models. It also introduces students to the study of simultaneous equation econometric models. Students will receive hands-on training on model estimations via a weekly computer lab session. Prerequisite: ECN 214.

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  • ECN 425 - Public Finance

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Civic Engagement

    Presents an analysis of the economic problems faced by public decision makers and the economic tools that are available to them. The course will cover such topics as welfare economics, benefit-cost analysis, public choice, taxation, income redistribution, and the relationship between the budget and the setting of national priorities. Prerequisite: ECN 201.

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  • ECN 438 - Introduction to the Theory of Economic Growth

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Presents an analysis of the factors that cause an economy to grow. Attention will be given primarily to one- and two-sector models of economic growth. Some emphasis will be put on the effects of technical progress on growth and optimality aspects of growth models. Prerequisite: ECN 202.

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  • ECN 449 - Financial Economics

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Covers issues critical to the allocation of savings and examines questions related to the efficiency of financial markets and asset pricing. Individual saver/investor portfolio formation and protection will be thoroughly discussed. Basic principles of financial economics, savings instruments, markets, and intermediaries will be covered as needed. Prerequisite: ECN 202.

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  • ECN 451 - Industrial Organization

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Analyzes theoretical evaluations of market structure with regard to the performance and conduct of firms. Special attention is given to regulation and other public policy issues such as antitrust policy. The emphasis is on the application of theory to real-world markets. Prerequisites: ECN 201 & MTH 108, 109, or 131.

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  • ECN 460 - Money and Banking

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Studies interest rates, exchange rates, the supply of money, the management of financial intermediaries, and the role of the central bank in achieving price stability. Emphasis is placed on money creation, financial innovation, and banking regulation. Federal Reserve tools and policies are studied within a framework of contemporary macroeconomic theory, including international trade and payments. Prerequisite: ECN 202.

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  • ECN 465 - International Trade Theory and Policy

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Provides a solid grounding in the economics of international trade. Students will learn international trade theory and how to use it to analyze public policy questions. Topics include the case for free trade, the arguments of tariff protection, and effects of trade and protectionist policies on resource allocation, income distribution, and economic growth. Prerequisite: ECN 201.

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  • ECN 466 - International Monetary Economics

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Provides an introduction to the current international monetary system. Emphasis is given to theories of exchange rates and their dynamics. The limitations imposed on monetary and fiscal policy by international capital flows will be covered thoroughly. Examines current topics in reform of the exchange rate system, monetary integration, and multinational coordination. Prerequisite: ECN 202.

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  • ECN 485 - Seminar in Contemporary Economic Issues

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Presents an in-depth survey of selected economic issues. Students will be expected to perform independent research. Prerequisites: ECN 201 and 202.

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  • ECN 488 - Economics Senior Capstone

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing II; Oral Communication

    Senior capstone integrates students’ knowledge attained from economics core courses and electives. Emphasizes writing in economics. Students will intelligently discuss key economic policy issues and relate theory, practice, and policy through the completion of a substantial, original research project. Prerequisites: ECN 201, 202, 214, and at least 3 elective courses in Economics

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  • ECN 490 - Independent Study

    1 semester, 1-3 credits-

    Open primarily to senior Economics majors. Provides the opportunity to explore advanced topics in economics outside of the regular departmental offerings. The number of credits is determined by consultation with the faculty member responsible for the project and the chairperson. Prerequisite: Permission of the chairperson.

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Education: Elementary/Special

  • EDU 125 - Introduction to Communication Development and Disorders in Children

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    How do children develop speech and language skills?  What impact do language differences and disorders have on communication and literacy in and out of the classroom?  Course addresses these questions along with topics such as English language learning, classroom discourse, and augmentative and alternative communication.  Communication strategies, accommodations, and modifications that reflect the diverse needs in today’s classrooms are considered.

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  • EDU 178 - Introduction to the Elementary Special Education Major

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    A discussion-based seminar taught by students’ academic advisor designed to facilitate students’ transition to college by helping them integrate into the Providence College community, begin to develop a professional identity as an educator, and introduce key academic skills that are foundational to college success. Prerequisites: Open only to first-year Elementary Special Education majors and undeclared students who may be interested in education. Cannot count for major credit.

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  • EDU 221 - Introduction to Characteristics of Individuals with Special Needs

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    An introduction to individuals with disabilities that includes both a medical and social perspective. Covers disability rights history, including IDEA, ADA, Section 504, and inclusion. Diverse characteristics, educational considerations, and strengths of students with special needs are covered. Assignments in the field are required.

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  • EDU 231 - Literacy I: Methods and Materials for Teaching Reading

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Provides an understanding of how children develop reading and writing skills in the primary grades. Students learn the multiple components of literacy and apply this knowledge as they develop reading and writing lessons. A variety of evidence-based practices and materials are presented. Students also learn about assessments used to inform instruction and differentiate instruction for the learner. A field experience in an elementary school is required. (See EDU 231L.)

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  • EDU 270 - Teaching Science and Mathematics in the Elementary School

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Enables students to develop knowledge and skills in the methods of teaching mathematics and science to elementary students. Students will plan, implement, and reflect on standards-based science and mathematics lessons centered on different pedagogies (e.g. inquiry, problem-solving, and direct instruction). Students will improve their knowledge of both mathematics and science content and processes while working with children in practicum placements. Field experience in an elementary school is required. (See EDU 270L.)

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  • EDU 285 - Strategies for Classroom Management

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Designed to assist preservice teachers in developing strategies for managing and integrating the physical, academic, social, and behavioral variables of the classroom. Techniques for individual and group management based upon a variety of theories will be explored. Appropriate application of strategies for the diverse student population currently represented in our schools are included.

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  • EDU 322 - Collaboration: Home/School/Community

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Provides students with knowledge about special education and its relationship to general education. Includes an overview of disability history, special education laws, and inclusive education. Another focus is analyzing strategies to improve communication and collaboration among home, school, and community resources. Requirements include opportunities to work with diverse populations of parents, families, and children. 

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  • EDU 331 - Literacy II: Teaching Language Arts and Social Studies in the Elementary School

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing II

    Designed to expose students to current language arts and social studies theories and practices. Students develop and implement integrated language arts and social studies lessons that incorporate literature and process writing and reflect national standards. Students will also explore methods of authentic assessment. A field experience in an elementary school is required. (See EDU 331L.)

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  • EDU 390 - Assessment of Children’s Individual Differences

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing II

    Designed to provide information on reliable and valid assessment practices for all children, including the special education process. Use of screening, progress monitoring, and diagnostic assessments to make data-based decisions is addressed. Practical applications of observation, standardized norm-referenced tests, curriculum-based assessment, and educational report writing are emphasized. Field work in local schools is required. Taken concurrently with EDU 418.

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  • EDU 418 - Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities (Grades 1-6)

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Designed to promote the development of in-depth knowledge and skills regarding the education of all students in grades 1-6, especially those with disabilities that impact learning. Evidence-based instruction in reading, writing, and math that is responsive to students’ strengths and needs, explicit and systematic teaching, inclusive education, and accommodations and modifications are emphasized. Topics include the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the use of assessment information to inform instruction, and development of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Taken concurrently with EDU 418L. Prerequisites: EDU 231, EDU 331, and EDU 270.

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  • EDU 432 - Autism Spectrum Disorders: Theory and Practice

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Provides an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Historical, medical, social, and educational perspectives will be addressed, as well as the controversies in the field. This spectrum includes: social challenges, communication difficulties, and restricted and repetitive motor patterns of behavior. Autism spectrum disorders can be seen as either a disability or a difference depending on the lens of the viewer.

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  • EDU 451 - Student Teaching in the Elementary School

    1 semester, 9 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Oral Communication

    Requires teaching on the elementary level under the joint supervision of a cooperating teacher and a College supervisor in the school systems of Rhode Island or neighboring Massachusetts communities. Weekly seminars are required.  Prerequisites: All education courses required for ESE major except EDU 322 and EDU 301.

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  • EDU 452 - Student Teaching in Elementary/ Special Education

    1 semester, 9 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Oral Communication

    Requires teaching in an elementary special education setting under the joint supervision of a cooperating teacher and a College supervisor in the school systems of Rhode Island or neighboring Massachusetts communities. Weekly seminars are required.  Prerequisites: All education courses required for ESE major except EDU 322 and EDU 301.

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  • EDU 462 - Teaching Mathematics to K-12 At-Risk Students

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Pre-service teachers will enhance their ability to read and interpret research relating to mathematics interventions that are utilized in highly effective classrooms and apply these practices within their own classrooms during their student teaching. Pre-service teachers will design mathematics lessons that address the specific needs of children in their classes to assure that they are able to function successfully in the classroom as active and engaged learners.  They will work in collaborative groups, creating lessons for their specific levels of mathematics and attach supports to ensure that all children in their classrooms are able to learn. Corequisites for Elementary Special Education students: Enrollment in EDU 451 or 452 or permission of instructor. Corequisites for Secondary Education students: Enrollment in or completion of EDU 416 or enrollment in EDU 450.

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  • EDU 490 - Independent Field Experience in Education

    1 semester, 1 credit-

    Provides students an opportunity to pursue an additional 25-hour education practicum under the direction of an education faculty member and cooperating teacher. Proposals that include specific objectives and deliverable products must be approved prior to course registration.  Prerequisites: Elementary/Special Education, Secondary Education, or Music Education majors and permission of department chair or program director.

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  • EDU 495 - Research

    1 semester, 1-3 credits-

    Undergraduate research under the guidance of a faculty member [for sophomores in their second semester, juniors, and seniors]. Students will be engaged in a creative research project under the direction of the faculty member. Variable credit hours (1-3 credit hours) where 1 credit hour equals 4 hours research time. Must be taken on a pass/fail basis. May be repeated for credit. Offered in the fall semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

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  • EDU 496 - Research

    1 semester, 1-3 credits-

    Undergraduate research under the guidance of a faculty member [for sophomores in their second semester, juniors, and seniors]. Students will be engaged in a creative research project under the direction of the faculty member. Variable credit hours (1-3 credit hours) where 1 credit hour equals 4 hours research time. Must be taken on a pass/fail basis. May be repeated for credit. Offered in the spring semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

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Education: Secondary

  • EDU 201 - Educational Psychology

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Social Science

    Study of those facts and principles of psychology that will assist the students in formulating and clarifying objectives as classroom teachers. Deals with such matters as cognitive development, motivation, retention, problem solving, and the social and emotional problems involved in personality integration.

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  • EDU 206 - Principles of Secondary Education

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Considers the secondary school in its totality. Students are introduced to lesson and unit planning, national and state content standards, teaching strategies, and differentiation of instruction. A field experience in a secondary school is required. (See also EDU 206L.) Prerequisite: EDU 201.

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  • EDU 210 - American Sign Language I

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Introductory level overview of both the language and the culture of the deaf community. Focuses on frequently used signs, basic rules of grammar, and cultural features of the deaf community.

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  • EDU 211 - Urban Education

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Explores the emergence and transformation of urban schools through historical, sociological, and political science perspectives. Enables students to appreciate a democratic society that embraces diversity, equity and social justice in urban schools through readings, discussions, and participation in service learning.

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  • EDU 220 - American Sign Language II

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    A continuation of the material introduced in EDU 210. Focuses on vocabulary development, receptive and expressive skills, conversational skills, and further examination of cultural features of the Deaf community. Prerequisite: EDU 210.

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  • EDU 301 - Foundations of Education

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Civic Engagement

    The historical, philosophical, and social influences that have contributed, through education, to American traditions, ideas, institutions, and the cultural development of our way of life. Co-requisites: EDU 450, 451, 452, or MSC 331.

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  • EDU 303 - The Child with Special Needs in the Regular Classroom

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Designed to provide prospective teachers with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to identify students with special needs and to work with support staff in meeting the students’ needs within the general curriculum. Focuses on understanding the characteristics and needs of these students within a least restrictive environment. (See also EDU 303L.) Prerequisite: EDU 206.

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