Oct 27, 2024  
2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The 2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog was published in September of 2022. Any approved changes received after September 2022 can be found listed below.

Changes to Psychology  (PSY) Course Titles

Changes to the Required Courses for the History/Secondary Education  (HISE) Major

  • Changes Approved: [(2) US Courses, (2) European Courses, (2) Global Education, (1) Junior/Senior Seminar or Honor Thesis in History, and (3) History Electives] 
  • Date Approved: October 24, 2022

Changes to Music  (MSC) Course Numbers

Changes to the Core/Proficiencies of TDF 319 - History of Dance  

  • Changes Approved: [Addition of Diversity and Intensive Writing II, Removal of Fine Arts]
  • Date Approved: November 3, 2022

Addition of the Neuroscience (NEU) Major 

  • Changes Approved: [Addition of the NEU Major, Neuroscience Certificate Program  (NESC) approved to discontinue for the Class of 2027]
  • Date Approved: December 5, 2022

Addition of Approved Courses, Below:

Changes to the Music  (MSC), Music Technology and Production  (MTP), and Marketing  (MKT) Minors 

Changes to the Quantitative Economics  (ECNQ) Degree 

  • Changes Approved: [Bachelor of Arts to Bachelor of Science]
  • Date Approved: December 6, 2022

Changes to the Required Courses for the Accountancy  (ACC) Minor 

Addition of Approved Courses, Below: 

Addition of Cores/Proficiencies

Addition of Precalculus as Not Transferable to the Advanced Placement (AP) Equivalency Chart  

  • Changes Approved: [Precalculus is Not Transferable as an AP credit]
  • Date Approved: January 27, 2023

Addition of a course to the History  (HIS) Major 

Addition of ADA Grievance Procedures  

  • Changes: [Addition of ADA Grievance Procedures]
  • Date Approved: January 31, 2023

Changes to ENG 386 - Digital Composition  

  • Changes Approved: [Prerequisite changed from Writing II to Writing I]
  • Date Approved: January 3, 2023
  • Changes Approved: [Addition of ENG 386 to   (WRT)]
  • Date Approved: February 9, 2023

Addition of Inaugural Chair

Removal of two History (HIS) courses from the Archives

Addition of Cores/Proficiencies

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Name Change to the School of Professional Studies

Changes to History (HIS) Course Titles and Descriptions

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Correction, Course Should Not Have Been Archived:

Revised FERPA Statement, Office of the Registrar  

  • Date Approved: April 24, 2023

Activation of an Archived Course

Addition of Cores/Proficiencies

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Revised Academic Integrity Policy

  • Date Approved: June 28, 2023

Clarification of Development of Western Civilization Requirements for Transfer Students

  • Date: July 11, 2023

Change in Course Description for MGT 411 Leadership Development 

  • Changes Approved: July 18, 2023

Revised FERPA Statement, Office of the Registrar  

  • Date: September 11th, 2023

Archival of FIN 217 Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions I   

  • Date: September 15th, 2023

Activation of an Archived Course

Addition of Cores/Proficiencies

Change of course name:

Removal of prerequisite:

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Addition of Core/Proficiencies: 

Changes to ECN 350 Game Theory:

  • Changes Approved: [Course number of ECN 350 changed to  ; Prerequisites changed from ECN 101 and MTH 108, 109, or 131 to ECN 201]
  • Date Aproved: November 27th, 2023

Change in Grading Options for GST 395 Research in Global Studies   

  • Changes Approved: [Change from Pass/Fail basis only to Standard Letter Grade]
  • Date approved: December 1st, 2023

Activation and renaming of an Archived Course

  • Changes Approved: [Name of AMS/MSC 226 changed from “Music in the United States” to “American Music”]
  • Changes Approved: [Reactivation of  / ]
  • Date approved: December 4th, 2023

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Addition of Core/Proficiencies: 

Activation of an Archived Course

Addition of Core/Proficiencies: 

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Activation of Archived Courses

Addition of a Course to the Advanced Placement (AP) Equivalency Chart  

  • Changes Approved: [Addition of AP African American Studies as equivalent to BLS 101]
  • Date Approved: March 12th, 2024

Addition of Approved Courses, Below:

Changes/Additions of the Below:

Update to prerequisites:

Addition of Approved Courses, Below:

Change of course name:

Addition of Cores/Proficiencies

  • Changes Approved: [   - Oral Communication]
  • Date Approved: April 3rd, 2024

Removal of prerequisite for CHM 401 Inorganic Chemistry :

  • Date Approved: April 11th, 2024

Addition of Approved Courses, Below: