Procedures for the Master’s Thesis
A graduate student completing a thesis will register for 6 credit hours of thesis advisement and be assigned a grade(s) for those hours. The Graduate Director will create and register the student for a section of the appropriate course(s) to be offered during the semester(s) during which a student is expected to complete the thesis. This ordinarily will be for the semester(s) immediately following the approval of the thesis-proposal.
Should the student not complete the thesis before the end of the semester in which he or she has registered for the Thesis course(s), the student will receive a grade of “Incomplete” and have one calendar-year from the end of that semester to complete the thesis.
If the student is not ready or able to complete the thesis within that one-year period, the Graduate Director will consult with the student and the thesis-committee regarding the advisability of continuing with the thesis.
If the student wishes to continue, the Graduate Director will write a letter of support, and the student will submit a request to the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies to extend the thesis for an additional (second) year. The grade in this instance will be converted to an “NC” (Not Completed) until the thesis is successfully completed and the final grade is submitted.
If the thesis will extend beyond that second year, the Graduate Director may write a letter of support, and the student will submit a request to the Graduate Council Exceptions Committee to extend the thesis for a third and final year.
For each semester that the student continues work on the thesis beyond the one-year allotted for the completion of the thesis, a student must register for their program’s 0-credit, not-graded, Thesis Continuation course, which will allow the student continued access to the faculty, facilities, and service supports regularly available to all registered students. The fee for this course will be the equivalent of 1-graduate credit.
Students should consult with the Graduate Director of the program for details of the thesis procedures specific to their program. Please note that due to F-1 Visa regulations this policy does not apply to international students.