Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Core Curriculum Requirements
The Core Foundation/Proficiency attribute search terms are:

  • Civic Engagement, Diversity, Ethics, Fine Arts, Natural Science, Oral Communication, Philosophy, Physics-Based Natural Science, Quantitative Reasoning, Social Science, Theology, Writing I, Writing II

To search in the Catalog for courses that meet specific Core Foundation/Proficiency attributes, there are three options:

  1. Use the Course Filter on the Course Descriptions page. Enter your desired search term in the “Keyword or Phrase” box and check the box beneath for “Find whole word or phrase only.”
  2. Enter the desired search term, in quotes, in the Publication Search box.
  3. Use the Advanced Search feature of the Publication Search. Click on the Advanced Search button and type in the desired search term in the “Enter a keyword or phrase” field, check the box beneath for “Find whole word or phrase only.”, and leave only the Courses checkbox checked. This will ensure that only courses containing the desired search term show.

In addition, users may visit the Core Curriculum site for a listing of courses that have been approved for specific Core Curriculum requirements and/or search the Semester Course Offerings in CyberFriar.

Need assistance? Please contact the Office of the Registrar at 401.865.1033.


Global Studies

  • GST 202 - Globalization and Social Change

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Builds upon the introductory course by examining in greater depth and scope the history and impacts of globalization in its cultural, economic, political and environmental dimensions. Students also explore their interest in particular global issues through research and community engagement, as well as develop skills necessary for effectively creating social change in a globalized world. Prerequisite: GST 101.

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  • GST 290 - Global Engagement

    1 semester, 1 credit-

    Prepares students for the study abroad experience with particular attention to developing cross-cultural competency and global awareness.

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  • GST 303 - Case Studies in Globalization

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Social Science

    Allows students to examine more particular issues related to globalization as well as develop an understanding of research methods and practical research skills. Case study analysis will provide the focusing tool for the study of a specific issue area. Note: Course may be taken only one time for credit even if it is addressing different topics. Prerequisite: GST 101.

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  • GST 309 - Introduction to Latin American Anthropology

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Examines the way in which Latin America’s culturally and racially diverse peoples and cultures have been imagined and represented by Anthropologists. Using core research, canonical texts, case studies and analytical anthropological approaches, and focusing particularly on vernacular expressive cultural practices, we will explore issues of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, tourism, and social movements. Same as APG 309, LAS 309, and SOC 309.

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  • GST 321 - Sustainable Futures

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    This experiential learning course will focus on how creative activists are responding to our global environmental crisis by encouraging deep personal and cultural transformation while experimenting with alternative structures and systems that point us in the direction of a future that is sustainable.

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  • GST 328 - Islamic Philosophy in the Global Context

    1 Semester, 3 Credits-

    A survey of philosophical, scientific, and theological developments in Islamic societies with an emphasis on historical connections to China and Europe. The course discusses comparative conceptions of the role of reason, science, and religion in global intellectual history. Same as PHL 328.

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  • GST 333 - Community Lens

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Civic Engagement; Fine Arts

    Examines the concept and practice of community and social change through the lens of photography. Students learn digital photography skills, engage in a community-based photography project, and produce a final photo exhibition. Same as ART 333 and PSP 333.

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  • GST 337 - Philosophy and Globalization

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity; Philosophy

    Students will study the phenomenon entitled ‘globalization’ through readings and assignments that focus on its epistemological, metaphysical, and ethical import and challenges. Emphasizes the multiple ways of addressing globalization-i.e., it places students in dialogue with scholars from both the developed and developing worlds and with key texts in both the history of philosophy and contemporary Continental and Catholic thought. Same as PHL 337. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors only.

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  • GST 352 - Global Feminisms in an Age of Empire and Beyond

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Addresses the relationship between feminism, colonialism, and post-colonialism. The legacies of the unequal relationship between Western and non‐western feminists often weighed heavily on emergent feminisms in postcolonial societies, and feminism took on new forms in response to those legacies. Course incorporates historiography, literary fiction, and film focused on the British and French empires. Same as HIS 352 and WGS 352. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors only.

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  • GST 355 - Comparative Race and Inequality

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Examines histories and contemporary experiences of race across multiple settings, with attention to how race intersects with other social identities. Explores the relevance of race in understanding inequality, privilege, and community. Scholarly publications, autobiographies, films, non-fiction, media coverage, and community events serve as course texts. Same as SOC 355 and BLS 355.

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  • GST 360 - Justice Across Borders

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Focuses on the meaning of “justice across borders,” with special attention to the historical and contemporary relationship between the U.S. and its border communities. Reflection on cross-border service experience will be included in the course with opportunities to identify and develop strategies for defining and enhancing justice across borders. Same as PSP & SOC 360. Prerequisites: PSP 101 or GST 101.

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  • GST 365 - Social Inequality in India and South Asian Diaspora

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    The purpose of this course is to critically examine systems of inequality and discrimination in contemporary India with attention to the role of caste, religion, class, and gender. Students will develop a historically-grounded understanding of systems of oppression and organized resistance in India, and examine how these systems structure social life within the transnational South Asian diaspora. Same as AST 365, SOC 365, and WGS 365.

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  • GST 371 - Topics in Global Service Learning

    1 semester, 4 credits-

    Provides the opportunity for the in-depth study of a current controversial or theoretical issue in global studies with real-world applications. Taught as an advanced seminar special topics course, which includes an international service learning component of at least one week (5 days) of service, field work, excursions, and lectures. A small discussion-based seminar with an intensive writing component; students must be willing to critically reflect on material and engage in theoretical and practical discussions surrounding international cross-cultural engagement. Students are charged trip fees and airfare in addition to tuition.

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  • GST 379 - Special Topics

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Topics discussed in the seminar will vary from semester to semester, meeting a core requirement or proficiency. Prerequisite: Varies.

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  • GST 395 - Research in Global Studies

    1 semester, 1-3 credits-

    Students will engage in a creative research project under the direction of a faculty member. Variable credit hours (1-3 credit hours) where 1 credit hour equals 4 hours research time. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor required.

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  • GST 401 - Political Economy of Race

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Examines the co-evolution of race and capitalism over the past 500 years, from racial justifications of imperialism (for an early critique see de las Casas 1552) to contemporary processes of neo-colonialism, neo-liberalism and racial capitalism. Same as BLS 401 and SOC 401. Prerequisites: One of the following: BLS 101, GST 355, SOC 305, SOC 413, or permission of instructor.

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  • GST 410 - Crossing Borders

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Examines the concept and practice of “border crossing” with readings, intensive writing, in-class and public presentations, and digital media to reflect upon and integrate the study abroad experience. Geared toward upper level students returning from international immersion; particular attention will be drawn to cross-cultural communication, global leadership, and post-graduate opportunities. Prerequisite: Students must have studied abroad at an approved study abroad program to take this course, either during one of the academic semesters prior to the course or during the summer.

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  • GST 418 - Globalization and Social Justice

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    With the fall of socialist states, capitalist markets, economic relations, and consumerism have become global. Examines the political, cultural, and economic origins, consequences, and responses (with specific concern for the prospects for social justice, democracy, and equality) in the rich and poor countries of the world; impacts on workers; ecological, resource, and environmental implications; and anti-corporate globalization resistance movements. Same as AMS 418, SOC 418, and WGS 418.

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  • GST 444 - The Global Food System

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    How are our food systems implicated in the global problems of hunger, obesity, climate change, and resource depletion? This seminar will examine the workings and consequences of the industrial agro-food system and the challenges and resistances to it by activists and movements dedicated to small-scale, community-based sustainable food production and consumption, with an emphasis on class discussion and student participation. Same as APG 444, BLS 444, SOC 444, and WGS 444.

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  • GST 445 - The Consumer Society

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Consumption and consumerism are driving forces sustaining the expansionist logic of advanced capitalism and globalization. Consumption of commodities has become the basis for the formation of ever-changing individual and group identities. Examines the historical development of consumerism, theoretical approaches to understanding the political, social, economic, individual, and very importantly, the environmental consequences of consumerism. Same as AMS 445, SOC 445, and WGS 445.

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  • GST 450 - Global Studies Internship

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Students have the opportunity to broaden their understanding of globalization by engaging in approved on-site internship experiences related to issues such as world hunger and poverty, immigration, the rights of world children, indigenous rights and cultures, and local alternatives to global agribusiness. Prerequisite: Permission of the chairperson.

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  • GST 454 - Immigration

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Public discourse questions whether contemporary immigration is beneficial for society and whether today’s immigrants will assimilate similarly to previous immigrants. This course engages these debates by situating present-day U.S. immigrant experiences in historical and comparative perspectives. Topics include: theories of migration, immigrant incorporation, effects of migration on sending and receiving societies, and immigration laws and current policies. Same as SOC 454.

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  • GST 480 - Global Studies Capstone Seminar I

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing II

    The capstone is designed to provide students with the tools for conducting research and for critically analyzing issues at global, national, and local levels. Students are responsible for analyzing topics on globalization and facilitating in-class discussions drawn from their experiences and research.

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  • GST 481 - Global Studies Capstone Seminar II

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Oral Communication

    Majors in global studies are required to develop a thesis as part of their graduation requirements. This course assists with further development of critical thinking, research, and communication skills. Each student engages in a research project on a topic previously explored and selected in the Capstone Seminar I, along the lines of their concentration area of global studies.

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Health Policy and Management

  • HPM 101 - The American Health Care System

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Explores the historical evolution and current structure of the U.S. health care system. Examines the socioeconomic context in which health care is delivered, the providers of health services, and those who pay for this care. Students also analyze contemporary proposals for reforming the health care system.

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  • HPM 201 - Photography & Global Health

    1 Semester, 3 Credits-

    An interdisciplinary team-taught course that uses photography to understand global health issues and develop solutions. The course explores some of the important global challenges facing human health such as infectious diseases, climate change or malnutrition. Students are encouraged to view these health issues from a critical perspective that identifies our position in global development debates. Same as ART 201.

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  • HPM 202 - Principles of Health Care Management

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Builds a foundation for health care management by introducing students to topics such as leadership, management theory, strategic planning, quality and performance improvement, information technology, financial management, human resources, teamwork, cultural competency and diversity, ethics, and fraud and abuse. Theory is integrated with real world problems through the use of case studies and relevant literature. Prerequisite: HPM 101.

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  • HPM 240 - The Epidemiology of Health and Disease

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Social Science

    How do epidemics start? How can we control the spread of disease? Epidemiology studies the determinants of health and disease from a population perspective. Students gain familiarity with concepts and methods in the field using case studies to illustrate how epidemiologists conduct research, analyze data, and make public health recommendations. Prerequisite: HPM 101.

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  • HPM 250 - Computer Information Systems in Health Policy and Management

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Students explore new developments in information systems and technology in health care organizations, master the use of commonly used software tools, develop presentation skills, and gain experience working in teams. No prior knowledge of computer information systems is assumed. Prerequisite: HPM 101.

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  • HPM 300 - Financial Management of Health Care Institutions

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Introduces students to the challenges of financial management in a complex health care environment. Topics include the third-party payer system, basic accounting principles, analyzing financial statements, and concepts such as cost allocation and product costing, cost variance analysis, the time value of money and its role in capital project analysis, and managing cash flow. Prerequisite: HPM 101.

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  • HPM 303 - Management of Human Resources in the Health Care Setting

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Explores the human resource manager’s responsibility to recruit and retain personnel and to coordinate policies throughout the organization. Lectures and class exercises examine the interaction of managers and other members of the health care team to promote both organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction. Prerequisite: HPM 101.

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  • HPM 310 - Health Law

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Explores practical aspects of health law, with an emphasis on personal liability, corporate liability, and intentional torts. Students learn essential guidelines for health care managers in establishing policies concerning medical records, insurance considerations, and risk management. State regulation of health care organizations and the liability of personnel working in health care facilities also are considered. Prerequisite: HPM 101 and junior standing.

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  • HPM 315 - Issues in Global Health

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Explores some of the important health problems and issues that transcend national boundaries such as infectious diseases, health disparities among countries, or global warming. Students examine how these problems are addressed through cooperative actions and international programs and analyze the role of key national and global actors. Prerequisite: HPM 101 and junior standing.

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  • HPM 316 - Comparative Health Systems

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Explores how health care systems have evolved since the Second World War. Examines various models of organizing health care systems, identifies similarities and differences among them, and reviews how we evaluate their performance. Students will become familiar with comparative health policy analysis and understand the roles of history, politics, economics, and law in health systems development. Prerequisite: HPM 101.

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  • HPM 319 - Sociology of Health and Illness

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Explores the social aspects of health and illness, the relationship of illness to the organization of society, and the organization of medical care-the distribution of correlates of mortality and morbidity, attitudes toward illness, the sick role, the organization of therapeutic settings, the economics, and the politics. Health delivery systems are evaluated cross-culturally and proposals for change in the American health system are critiqued. Same as SOC 319.

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  • HPM 321 - AIDS, Race, Gender in the Black Community

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Explores how the marginalization of African Americans has led to the disproportionate growth of the AIDS epidemic. Analyzes how the intersections of gender, religion, and sexuality have perpetuated the marginalization of African Americans in the realm of public health and the factors that have left this group vulnerable to HIV infections and AIDS. Same as BLS 321 and WGS 321. Prerequisites: BLS 101, HPM 101, or WGS 101.

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  • HPM 323 - Administration of the Extended Care Facility

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Offers an in-depth study of the demand for, and organization of, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care providers. Students will compare the managerial challenges of caring for patients in both institutional and home/community-based settings. Prerequisite: HPM 101.

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  • HPM 331 - Aging and Health

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Examines the impact of aging on individuals, health providers, and the American health care system. Special attention paid to the health service needs generated by an aging society and contemporary responses to these needs in the United States. Prerequisite: HPM 101.

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  • HPM 343 - Health Economics

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Studies the allocation of scarce economic resources within the health care market. The size and contribution of the health care sector, the role of health insurance, the organization of health institutions, the production and cost of health care, and health care reform are studied in detail. Same as ECN 343. Prerequisites: ECN 101 and 102.

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  • HPM 379 - Special Topics

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Topics discussed in the seminar will vary from semester to semester, meeting a core requirement or proficiency. Open to HPM juniors and seniors only.

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  • HPM 395 - Research

    1 semester, Variable credit hours (1-3 credit hours) where 1 credit hour equals 4 hours research time-

    Students will be engaged in a creative research project under the direction of the faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but may only be applied to the Health Policy and Management major once. Offered in the fall semester. Must be taken on a pass/fail basis. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor required.

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  • HPM 396 - Research

    1 semester, Variable credit hours (1-3 credit hours) where 1 credit hour equals 4 hours research time-

    Students will be engaged in a creative research project under the direction of the faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but may only be applied to the Health Policy and Management major once. Offered in the spring semester. Must be taken on a pass/fail basis. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor required.

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  • HPM 408 - Policy Analysis in the Health Sector

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Civic Engagement

    Explores the role of public officials and private interests in shaping health care policy and develops essential skills for students to participate in the policy making process. Policy issues are discussed using case studies, role playing, and debates. Students examine the processes of agenda-building, decision-making, and program implementation on a variety of state and federal health policy issues. Prerequisite: HPM 310 and junior status.

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  • HPM 420 - Strategic Management in Health Care

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Explores the strategic decision-making process in health care organizations. Topics include the analysis and evaluation of health-related programs as well as the marketing, financing, and operational analysis conducted within health care provider institutions. Students will make extensive use of case studies. Prerequisites: HPM 300 and HPM 310.

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  • HPM 430 - Intensive Writing Seminar

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing II

    Explores a theme in contemporary health policy and management through advanced readings, student led discussions, and a major writing project. Offers intensive, personalized instruction in academic writing in the field of health policy and management. Guides students through conducting research, planning a writing project, and developing advanced skills in rhetoric, grammar, and revision. Prerequisites: HPM 101 and HPM 240.

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  • HPM 445 - Diet, Nutrition, and Obesity in the United States

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing II; Oral Communication

    Is obesity a disease? Is obesity a matter of personal responsibility, or is it due to a culture overloaded with unhealthy foods? This research and writing-intensive seminar explores answers to these and other key questions using an interdisciplinary approach. Students will examine changes in health policy, medicine, and other areas that contribute to understanding and defining obesity. Prerequisites: HPM 101 and HPM 240.

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  • HPM 446 - Gender, Health, and Technology

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    This course investigates the structures and practices of commercialized medicine in the United States today as a framework of meaning-making about the body. How do the intersecting processes and outcomes of commercialized medicine, inclusive of medical marketing and direct-to-consumer advertising, inform contemporary understandings and lived realities of health and illness, race and gender, aging and sexuality? Same as SOC 446 and WGS 446.

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  • HPM 450 - Field Experience

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Students develop their professional skills under the guidance of an internship supervisor at a placement site arranged in collaboration with a faculty member. Students will be expected to apply concepts and skills from their previous course work to practical problems in their organization. Seminar meetings allow students to reflect upon their experiences. Prerequisites: HPM 300, and 310. Open to HPM seniors or by permission.

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  • HPM 470 - Special Topics

    1 semester, 1-3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing II

    Topics discussed in the seminar will vary from semester to semester. Open to HPM juniors and seniors.

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  • HPM 480 - Senior Seminar in Health Policy and Management

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    A team-taught capstone seminar for seniors that examines contemporary health policy and management issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students develop a deeper appreciation for the historical, ethical, legal, socioeconomic, and political dimensions of contemporary health policy and management issues. Prerequisite: Senior standing.

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  • HPM 490-491 - Independent Study in Health Policy and Management

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Allows for in-depth study of a topic in health policy and management. This is designed as an advanced course; the student and the faculty member must agree upon a syllabus that includes a schedule of assigned readings and a major paper/project. Students may enroll in more than one independent study to explore different topics in the field. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing.

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Health Sciences

  • HSC 101 - Anatomy and Physiology 1 with Laboratory

    1 semester, 4 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Natural Science

    Foundation in human anatomy and physiology for students interested in the health care profession. Principles of cells, tissues, and an introduction to the pathophysiology of selected body systems. Fundamental medical terminology is reinforced. Uses an integrated approach of didactic lecture and hands-on laboratory exploration, emphasizing the application of knowledge and inter-connectedness of the human physical, mental, and spiritual health of the whole person.

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  • HSC 102 - Anatomy and Physiology 2 with Laboratory

    1 semester, 4 credits-

    Foundation in human anatomy and physiology for students interested in health care professions. Principles of cells, tissues, and pathophysiology of body systems not reviewed in HSC 101. Fundamental medical terminology is reinforced. Uses an integrated approach of didactic lecture and hands-on laboratory exploration, emphasizing the application of knowledge and inter-connectedness of the human physical, mental, and spiritual health of the whole person.

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  • HSC 200 - Introduction to the Health Professions

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Provides students with an overview of various career pathways in the health professions. Students will identify and reflect on career goals and interests and build a foundation of professional knowledge and behaviors critical to success in a variety of healthcare workplaces. The course combines lectures, seminar discussions, and critical self-reflection. Prerequisite: HPM 101.

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  • HSC 206 - Nutrition and Disease Prevention

    1 semester, 3 credits

    Enables students to understand the dynamic relationship between nutrition, lifelong health, and disease prevention. This course provides foundational knowledge of macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and prepares students to engage in nutritional planning and dietary management related for healthy individuals and those aiming to prevent or manage chronic diseases and conditions. Same as NUR 206

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  • HSC 213 - Scientific and Medical Terminology from Greek and Latin

    1 Semester, 3 credits-

    This course familiarizes students with modern scientific and medical terminology derived from Latin and Greek. It also regularly explores the history of science and medicine and how past concerns inform modern practices and terminology. No previous knowledge of Latin or Greek is needed. Same as CLA 213

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  • HSC 233 - Medical Terminology for the Health Professional

    1 Semester, 3 credits-

    Provides a framework for learning the terminology used within various health professions. Within the context of different body systems, students are presented with word roots, combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes that make up the language of clinical practice. Students will apply their growing knowledge of terminology to reading, interpreting, and explaining clinical phrases and cases.

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  • HSC 252/252L - Microbiology for Nursing and the Health Professions

    1 semester, 4 Credits

    Biology of microorganisms with emphasis on their roles in health and disease. Topics include microbial structure and classification, identification, host-microbe interactions, immunology, antimicrobial agents, and infection prevention and control. Case studies and laboratory activities that involve clinically important microbes will be explored. Prerequisite: HSC 101 or 102

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  • HSC 280 - Health Care Equity in the United States

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Inequities in access to health care, unequal treatment, and differential exposure to environmental and structural risks drive poor health outcomes in the United States. This course covers the major patterns, causes, and consequences of health disparities in the United States. Students will learn about interventions and policy frameworks that have shown promise for increasing health equity. Prerequisite: HPM 101 or NUR 101

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  • HIS 100 - Thinking and Writing about History

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing I

    Introduction to the study of the field of history. Considers the methods of historical thinking that involve the critical investigation, interpretation, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of historical sources as well as the development of essential writing, research, and verbal skills. Further considers basic issues of historiography and the philosophy of history.

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  • HIS 103 - U.S. History I: From Colonies to The Civil War

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Social Science

    Survey course of American history from colonial beginnings through the Civil War and Reconstruction. This introductory course is designed for non-majors. Same as AMS 103.

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  • HIS 104 - U.S. History II: From Reconstruction to Today

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Oral Communication

    Survey course of American history from the end of Reconstruction through the present day. This introductory course is designed for non-majors. Same as AMS 106.

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  • HIS 122 - Black Cinema: A History of African American Film and Beyond

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    This course will explore the history of Black film artists who have contributed to cinematic practice in the US and Europe. Students will view films and explore research detailing the earliest pioneers of African American film practice, tracing their struggles and successes up to the present age. Same as BLS 122 and TDF 122.

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  • HIS 200 - Japanese Pop Culture as Postwar History

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Interdisciplinary exploration of modern Japanese popular culture and as a way of understanding Japan’s postwar history. Examines such familiar pop-cultural objects as the samurai, baseball, giant monsters (kaijū), and Japanese animation (anime), among other topics, while also analyzing their historical context and appropriation in other milieu. Same as AST 200.

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  • HIS 202 - American Military History

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Using lecture and small group discussions, this course is a survey of the American military experience from the Colonial wars to Desert Storm. The instruction analyzes the policies, strategies, and tactics of three centuries of military history. These events are analyzed using the conventional discipline of historical methodology and the classical norms of the principles of warfare. Same as MIL 202. Satisfies pre or post-1877 American history requirement for minor.

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  • HIS 205 - Introduction to Public History

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Civic Engagement

    Public History is the interdisciplinary, applied, and collaborative practice of history outside of the academy. Introduces the theory and practice of public history, including subfields such as archives, historic preservation, contract history, cultural resource management, oral history, and curatorial work. Same as AMS 205. Prerequisite: Open only to AMS or HIS majors, or permission of the instructor.

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  • HIS 207 - African-American History 1619 to Present

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Examines the African-American experience from the establishment of slavery in North America to the present. Examines the establishment of slavery, the Civil War and the end of slavery, the establishment of systems of racial segregation, and the corresponding efforts to end racial oppression in the United States. Satisfies pre-1877 American history requirement for major/minor.

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  • HIS 211 - Classical America

    1 semester, 3 credits-

    Traces the influence of Greece, Rome, and the ancient Near East (Egypt, Mesopotamia) on the United States of America from colonial times to the present. Develops an appreciation for the profound influence of antiquity in such areas as history, government, art, architecture, and literature. No knowledge of Greek or Latin is required Same as AMS 211 and CLA 211. Previously HIS 427.

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  • HIS 214 - North American Religious History

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing I; Theology 300-level

    This course explores diverse figures, movements, and issues in American religious history from the seventeenth to the mid-twentieth century. Contesting a “melting pot” or “Americanization” narrative, we ask instead how religious groups have continued to remake and reimagine themselves amidst the multiplicity of American life. Special attention will be given to issues of tolerance and church-state relations. Same as AMS 214. Satisfies pre- or post-1877 American history requirement for major/minor. Prerequisite: Completion of 200-level Theology Core course.

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  • HIS 215 - The Diversity of Latin American Religious History

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity; Theology 300-level

    An awareness of the centrality of religion in changing and shaping society in Latin America from the pre-Contact period, through the colonial period, and to the twenty-first century is imperative to understand this region. Systematically explores the sophisticated and multifaceted religious history of Latin America to develop students’ knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic, and political role of religion. Some prior knowledge of Latin American, North American, or European religious history is helpful, but not required. Same as AMS 215 and LALS 215. Satisfies global history requirement for major/minor. Prerequisite: Completion of a 200-level theology core course.

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  • HIS 218 - Multicultural United States: Racism, Ethnicity, and Immigration History in the Contemporary U.S.

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    Racism in the United States remains a topic of fierce debate today. This course places contemporary racial issues in an historical context by examining institutional racism, ethnicity, and immigration from the Civil War to today. Specifically compares how Native Americans, African Americans, Latino/a Americans, Asian Americans, and American Muslims have shaped their own identities in the United States over time. Same as AMS 218. Satisfies post-1877 American history requirement for major/minor.

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  • HIS 220 - Living in an Imperial World: Cities and Empires, 1500 to the Present

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity

    From the early modern period through to the mid-twentieth century the dominant political structure in a globalizing world was not the nation-state but the empire. This course examines and compares early modern and modern empires through the histories of the cities that were central to imperial networks, including Tangiers, Calcutta, Hanoi and Newport. Same as AST 220. Satisfies pre- or post-1715 European history requirement for major/minor.

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  • HIS 226 - Women and the Modern American Experience

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Writing II

    Explores the contributions of women to the American historical experience since the Civil War and the impact of changes in American politics, economics, and society on women and family; the emergence of the modern American family and a working class culture; the impact of industrialization; and the upheavals of the 20th century, such as two World Wars, the Great Depression, etc. Same as WGS 226. Satisfies post-1877 American history requirement for minor.

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  • HIS 230 - Early Latin American History

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Oral Communication; Diversity Proficiency

    Survey on Early Latin America, from the initial encounter to Independence, assesses the impact of contact, conquest, and colonization on pre-contact peoples, the introduction of non-Indigenous populations, and the evolution of political, economic, cultural, and religious institutions. Specific topics include rural and urban communities, accommodation and resistance patterns, as well as race, class, gender, and kinship. Same as AMS 230 and LALS 230. Satisfies pre-1877 American history requirement for major/minor.

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  • HIS 231 - Modern Latin American History

    1 semester, 3 credits- Core Foundation/Proficiency: Diversity; Writing II

    Surveys the period from Independence to today, and gives particular attention to politico-economic and socio-cultural transformations (i.e., revolutions, military dictatorships, social movements, economic expansions, and democratic consolidations) that have affected Latin America from the 19th to the 21st centuries. Its regional and comparative perspective highlights Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Chile, Nicaragua, and Peru. Same as LAS 231. Satisfies post-1877 American history requirement for major/minor.

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