Course Registration
Registration procedures for fall, winter/spring, and summer along with tuition and fees, are outlined on the School of Continuing Education Web site. Students must register for a course before the second class meeting. Any course may be cancelled at the absolute discretion of Providence College. This decision will be made by the dean prior to the first class meeting.
Course Withdrawal or Change of Status
The deadline for withdrawal from a class or change from credit/audit is noted on the academic calendar. Such a status change must be made in person at the School of Continuing Education office or in writing.
IMPORTANT: Ceasing to attend class does not constitute an official withdrawal. Failure to properly withdraw by the deadline results in a recorded grade of NF (failure) on the permanent academic record.
Class Attendance
Regular class attendance is the responsibility of each student. Instructors are permitted to base a portion of the final grade on attendance. All work missed by absences from a class must be completed by the student. As defined by the course instructor, excessive absence could result in failure of the course.
Course Load Policy
Any student wishing to enroll in more than three courses in a given semester must maintain a 3.0 or better grade point average (GPA) and receive approval of the School of Continuing Education dean or advisor. Students whose previous semester’s grade point average was below 2.0 or who have a cumulative grade point average below 2.0 may enroll in a maximum of two courses in the following term. Full-time students (enrolled in twelve hours or more classes in one semester) must fulfill the Immunization Record Policy of the College.
Pass/Fail Option
A student in the School of Continuing Education may take up to four courses on a pass/fail basis. The pass/fail option can only be used in a course that is a free elective. Students intending to use the pass/fail option must consult the SCE academic calendar for the deadline date to select this option. Normally only one, three-credit course per academic year may be taken on a pass/fail basis. The change from standard to pass/fail will be final. Credits earned as a “pass” will not be averaged into the student’s grade point average; credits failed in a pass/fail course will be averaged as an “F” with quality points 0.00.
Note: Internships may be completed on a pass/fail basis if the internship is not a requirement in the student’s program.
Auditing a Course
An auditor is one who registers and attends classes without obligation to fulfill course requirements or receive evaluation from the instructor. The tuition for audit is one-half the for-credit tuition charge. Some courses require full tuition for audit status; this is noted in the course description.
The transcript is the student’s official academic record. Official transcripts are sent at the written request of the student to other colleges or universities, graduate schools, or prospective employers. The student’s written request must be received before a transcript will be released. The student can complete a Transcript Request Form available in the Office of Academic Records, Harkins Hall, Room 207, or send a written request. Transcripts will be withheld if the student has a financial obligation to the College. Allow two weeks for processing a transcript request. There is no fee for this service.
Directed Study/Internship
A directed study is a project in which the student is free to pursue his or her own specialized interest in a particular field of study. An internship is a supervised work experience facilitated by a School of Continuing Education faculty member, which is designed to enhance a student’s academic/career experience.
The directed study/internship application requires the signature of the sponsoring faculty member, a description of the directed study topic or project, and a syllabus or course of action. The completed application form should be submitted to the dean of the School of Continuing Education for approval. The application is available on the SCE Web site.
Baccalaureate degree students may take a maximum of three directed studies and/or internships within their degree program. Associate degree students may take one directed study or internship within their degree program. Only students registered in a degree program may use the directed study/internship option.
Enrollment in Day Courses at Providence College
School of Continuing Education degree students who have completed at least five School of Continuing Education courses may choose to enroll in day school courses with the approval of the School of Continuing Education and the chair of the appropriate department. Such students will normally be limited to enrolling in no more than three day school courses during their degree program in the School of Continuing Education. SCE students will be charged the day course tuition rate.
Enrollment in Courses at Other Institutions
Once admitted, a student must ordinarily take all remaining degree requirements at Providence College. Degree candidates who, for appropriate reasons, wish to take a course at another institution and transfer it to Providence College must petition for prior approval of the dean or academic adviser in the School of Continuing Education. |